Yes he does have Vampire Teeth, Here's Kuro's app. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Kurokowa "Kuro" Flamel Age: 20 (21,003 in Demon Years.) Creature: Human Reborn Demon, Now is the New Satan, but he never wanted to be. Description: [img][/img] Quote: "Feelings aren't black and white. Even if they're fuzzy and contradictory, if they're sincere, they are what they are." Characteristics: Kuro is a bit of a freelancer. He is sincere and loyal. It's hard to make Kuro get mad. He's almost the opposite of his Brother Max. He can sometimes attract people. Relationship: Brother: Maximilian ((Planning on making Maximilian a bad guy)) Girlfriend? ((If she's coming, which I doubt it)): Alice? Are you living with anyone?: Nope Where will you work: I guess the Adult Club. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And that, my friends, is Kuro's app.