Solomon looked pointedly from the tea on the table in front of Cora and then back up at her before taking a drink from his own mug to make a point. Solomon calmly swatted Isabelle's legs which had been placed on the table. "Dear lord sweet girl, My mother was murdered and buried in a shallow grave and even I know that is bad manner's" Returning to Cora's snide remark he smirked. "At least I see enemies all around me, Love. When you trust other's you never see the blade coming till it is buried to the hilt in your back" He gestured to Hawk, "your mentor does not trust me, which is a fantastic idea, however the only thing he actually does is keep the kingdom from running me to ground and stringing me up. " "I keep myself out of trouble and you will find no record of my existence, whilst you my dear are clearly of noble birth and I know the type trust me. I on the other hand am a scoundrel and a low bred peasant, you will find no record of my birth, no one knows the story of my life and you won't find it simply because everyone who knew me has died. Not by my hand mind you I'm not quite that good but because living in the slum is hard and people tend to die quickly. I have no legal name, you won't find a Solomon Crow, The name doesn't exist because I gave it to myself. Love, you think you enjoy anonymity but you are living in a fantasy world because Hawk found you and while he certainly found me, that is about all he found. Don't be so quick to assume that just because I don't know who you are yet doesn't mean I won't find out. If Hawk decides you've become a liability well then, Love. I'll have to clean you and while I will do it with a heavy heart I will certainly do it." Solomon continued to consume the tea and waited for Cora's counter attack. He was fairly sure he had hit on a nerve with the jab about being of noble birth but she was good at hiding her emotions. If that didn't get that sweetly beautiful porcelain exterior to crack he was fairly certain he had an ace that would get her to show some emotion, although it would be a shot bellow the belt and he was not sure he was willing to piss her off just to get a rise out of her. Clearly Hawk thought she was competent but Solomon was not sure she was ready to hold the authority he had given her. Hell she wouldn't even drink the tea he'd brought her as a sort of gesture of good will. Arguably he'd been exchanging verbal blows with her but still, it was a waste of good tea.