Despite the fact that she was alone, Seulki was joyfully rolling around in a field of tall grasses. Usually, the young Wimborne dragonelle would be peacefully sleeping in a small cavern near the top of the mountain. However, tonight, she felt restless. She pawed at the ground, uprooting the grass and soil, wondering about what tomorrow would bring. Perhaps she would finally be able to muster up the courage to ask a young dragonelle or dragon to race with her. Or maybe it would be her turn to attend to the Queen. Seulki grunted, plopping down on the ground as her tail lazily swept back and forth. She respected the Queen, but was to stricken with awe to ask her anything about life in general. She mostly wanted to ask the Queen about humans. Are they tasty? Would she be able to play with them? However, most of the older dragons she had seen had a deep-rooted of humans. Well, yes, they drove them into hiding but were they all the same? Bah, this whole business with humans just confused her. She sniffled, eyeing an insect as it buzzed around her head. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she felt pain stabbing her body. She widened her eyes and got off the ground, glancing around her. What was this? [i]Leave. Never return.[/i] Seulki stretched her neck, a low guttural sound erupting from her. The Queen. She was dying. The last time Seulki had felt anguish was 77 years ago when she was kicked out of the nest. It was a feeling she didn't ever want to feel again. The sound of pounding wings caught her attention and she looked up to see hundreds of dragons taking flight. What happened? All she knew was that it wasn't safe anymore. She had thought that this place was well-protected but now... Without another moments hesitation, she swiftly launched herself into the air, joining her kindred as the sense of impending doom clouded the night sky.