At the sight of the well awaited decent, it was only natural for Dean to become both excited and nervous. While optimistic at the events that would unfold, the young man was clueless on what his duty would be on base, as little to no briefing was given before the long flight across golden sands. He had assumed that the personnel would be lax and carefree, much like the pilot had been. After stepping off the helicopter with sword at waist and belongings in tow, suspicions were confirmed at the guard’s airy greetings. Although he was friendly, Dean’s experience with cops hasn’t been a very pleasant one. He’d make sure to keep an eye on the Los Angeles policeman, but it was rather unlikely for relations to go sour like they had back in Summerlin. Interested in seeing the base and what exactly would go on within it, Dean followed the group, making sure to stay near the rear out of personal preference.