[hider=Aureo]Name: Aureo Inferos race: exo(robotic warrior with human brain that has been augmented) age: unknown even to him Height and weight: 500 pounds and stands at 6'1 appearance: [img]http://media1.gameinformer.com/filestorage/CommunityServer.Components.SiteFiles/imagefeed/featured/activison2014/destiny/warlock2o.jpg[/img] abilities: most exo are around seven times stronger than a human being but he was made to be faast so he is around seven times faster and four times stronger. His brain is augmented and can process things around ten times quicker than a human can and he has multiple vision modes. He can see normally, infared, nightvision, and x-ray to see vital points and organs. He also has basic telekinetic abilities. He can pick up and throw or manipulate object. The heavier the object the more concentration it takes to do so. Most things like weapons and rocks he can pick up and throw with very little but fine motor skills or anything larger and he has to stop and focus. He also has the ability so fire a ball of telekinetic energy from his hand to hit something. upon impact this ball delivers an enormous amount of kinetic energy to the target or whatever it hits. The longer he holds and charges this ability the heavier it hits. he has to charge it for at least two turns prior to use and any more than two it becomes drastically more powerful. At base charge time it can blast out a concrete wall and at full charge it rips armored tanks and transports to pieces. Full charge is five turns of charging. Gear: his exoskeleton is made of an extremely durable metal that can withstand most small arms fire but armor penetrating rounds can get through it and it is reinforced on the inside with insulation and armoring underneath.fire has little effect on him due to no skin but electricity can be problematic because it messes with certain features. However he has insulation that provides him enough protection as to not have to worry about his core systems being fried but he may lose some auxiliary ones. He has small pores all over his body like human sweat glands that allow heat to be shed from inside to stop his circuits from getting to hot. He has no human organs other than a brain but instead has cybernetic semblances of organs that function much more precisely than the organic thing. On top of this his "heart" is a high density tungsten/palladium core that if breached would leak out deadly radiation but would also kill him. He also carries a strange weapon that not even he knows how he acquired. It is a golden revolver that is made of a metal that fluctuates. This revolver fires high velocity armor penetrating rounds that are chambered in the .45 caliber. He is extremely accurate thanks to an ocular interface in his eyes and his x-ray mode. backstory: age-unknown gender-male memory banks- code name- Aureo inferos objective-.....control chip disabled free thought enabled[/hider]