Hah, those are some lovely facts! Keep 'em coming!—Olivia loves chocolate pudding, her heart melts when she sees and eats it! @Ozerath, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUo1Ghx3QyI]I like trains.[/url] @Blackwell, the post was more than 'okay'! I often find that I get the most out of writing when I'm uninspired, but naturally it's different for everyone. I have the advantage of enjoying grammar and sentence structure, so I can always do stuff with that when I'm not feeling a character or current plots. But, loving your own character helps tremendously, as in the end it's the only thing that will keep you coming back for more! @Tenish, someone is supposed to die to that song? Dear my... it seems a little too upbeat, no? I put my money on... hmm, Roy?