[i]"Yes, follow me."[/i] Said the wolf, Durus didn't catch his name.. or he did and just didn't remember. Anyway as the wolf lead them towards the exit, Durus kept his attention on the lady, Tess was it? As Durus stayed behind everyone, both because of his natural slowness and watching everyone's backs, his warrior instincts came on. They were being watched, flashes in the dark and the scurry of feet warned him of the coming storm. The group continued on their way until they came upon a lone man in the middle of the street. "Hey you, metal man! You took out some of my boys, and I intend to return the favor. Starting with that sweet thing you two got wedged between ya!" After a sinister chuckle the man snapped his fingers and a group of thugs came from the shadows, about a dozen of them given his quick count. Yet it mattered not. Nothing was going to stop Durus from cutting that man down. Pulling out his greatsword, Durus said "I hope your ready for a fight wolf, because there isn't a god on this planet that will protect that man from me." With that Durus waded forward as several men closed in on his position.