Instead of answering, Anderus simultaneously got into a low stance , kicked the bandit behind him in the chest, breaking the bandits chest and smashing his heart, pierced the bandit to the left with his left scimitar and used his right hand to pierce the bandit behind Durus that was trying to attack the powerful warrior from behind, Anderus's right hand just went under Durus's armpit, driving the scimitar into the bandit behind him. Afterwards Anderus jumped above Durus's head and landed near Tessa, his scimitars were moving as fast as butterflies wings, cutting the limbs and heads of the bandits who dared to try and attack the young priestess. [b]" That's called the dance of the butterfly!" [/b] Anderus shouted to Durus in a pranky tone of voice while continuing to fight the bandits, [b] "What have you got?" [/b]