Please excuse the bad writing, I'm a tad exhausted. I can fix it up later, though, if need be. Let me know if the character works! --- [b]Name:[/b] Alisha Katheryn Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-five [b]Codename:[/b] She was born in Denver, but one of the guys gave her the nickname Little Red a few years back and, despite her protests, it stuck [b]Role on team:[/b] Covert Ops Strategist, Assassin, Undercover Ops//Infiltration. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=face][img=][/hider] [hider=costume][img=][/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Alisha was born in Denver, Colorado, but she never lived in one place for too long. Her mother worked for Shield, and when her father was around she stayed at home with him, but after, well, after life happened, her mother was forced to figure out different ways to take care of Alisha and still do her job, which resulted in Alisha basically growing up in Shield. She was always a clever girl, but she had a habit of getting into things she shouldn't have. She was a quick learner though, who had her wits about her, and it was clear from a young age she was meant to follow in her mother's footsteps. As soon as she legally could, she began working for Shield, starting very small, and working her way up into field work, then special ops. When she was twenty-one, someone seemed to take interest in the way she created strategies and her extensive background in gymnastics and martial arts, and as a result she began training in direction of undercover work, and target work. She was used as a scout at 24, and after a mission well done, she was told she was to become a part of a new team, a team working with [i]The Avenger[/i]. [b]Personality:[/b] To say Alisha is clever is, in bits and pieces, and understatement. She is a quick learner, and good at what she does, but despite this, she can still be one of the most childish people you'd meet. Sarcasm comes naturally to her, as does making decisions without letting them run through the part of her brain that is actually smart, which, unfortunately, goes hand in hand with her spontaneity. She's creative in her methods to say the least, and her extroverted side can often be a bit much for people to handle. Her ability to keep her work so organized baffles everyon, considering how scatterbrained she can be in other aspects of life. One of her biggest weaknesses is her pride, though. Alisha is very stubborn, and likes to be right always, even though she isn't, and when she is outdone by someone it can turn her into the worst teammate possible. There's also teh matter of her ability to slip into a pretentious bitch when she doesn't get her way, but once she's done working on the extreme anger issues, she'll get to that. [b]Weapon/skills:[/b] Alisha has 20 years of Gymnastics (and dance), 13-15 years of Gatka, Karate, and Fencing, and 10-8 years of Krav Maga, Kick-boxing, and Angampora (given, not [i]golden[/i] at [i]all[/i] of them, but c'mon, pretty impressive repertoire on a resume, right). She is an expert marksman and cannot hit anything for shit with a bow, but her knife throwing is spot on. Otherwise, her favorite toys are her guns, specifically her Beretta 92SB, her throwing knives, and the little hairpin she wears witch is sharp enough to kill when stuck in the right place, plus has a deadly poison which can be tipped into a drink from the handle [b]Other:[/b] She's actually a trained dancer and pianist, with a good voice. She even knows, like, 5 chords on the guitar. Also she turns into a crazy human form of a cheesy 80's movie when she's drunk.