say, are there any open spots now, aside the one that became open with Sharp's leaving. if we dont have any new members wanting to join, I can make some other new chars to fill the gaps, even if temp (like adding one that will leave later on when someone joins, and can come back when there is a new spot) and an other question, aside 32, who later on is supposed to join the group. might it be an idea to add a mutant that decides to use his/ her powers for own benefit, a true evil mutant? not that they would appear every second, but can be added once in a while to make chaos here and there, or give the player that created that one a between post for fun and activity while it might not have anything to do with the rest of the story (like for example: currently everyone is in a home situation right?, one of these might be in the next town over burning down a mall just for the sake of boredom)