RoShan was busy sitting in one of the forested regions of Erith. Sleep didn't come easy for him, not this far from the Nest and Mirfield. The bronze scales that covered his rigid, spiky body did little to camouflage him through the trees. Animals were quiet, and stayed hidden in their dens as the great, massive beast waited for sleep to finally overcome him. It'd been a long time since he'd left the Nest, even when others had before him. Distrust of humans and their willingness to hunt for one of the most dangerous creatures to ever live had kept him planted in the Nest for years after the others had left to return to the world. As he laid there, allowing his thoughts to wander, finding little ways to entertain himself, a sharp pang of anguish overtook him. It didn't last long though, and in a moment it faded back into his hearts. He raised his head hi, and looked to the stars above. What had been able to cause sadness in his cold, hollow hearts? Ever since he'd left Mirfield for the Nest, he hadn't felt sadness. [i][b]Leave. Never return.[/b][/i] Sadness turned to anger, and anger turned to rage. As in the distance, the anguished roars and cries of his fellows pierced the night sky, RoShan let out a mighty bellow that would make the hearts of men quiver in fear. It was one of pure rage and malice, filled with centuries of aggression and hatred. The dragon from Mirfield would not stand for this sort of transgression. If the Queen had fallen, had been slain, then there was nothing tying him to the Nest anymore. No one holding him back. As the rest of his kin fled from the nest, RoShan returned, searching the dark ground for the village that dared make its home closest to the Nest. The humans would pay for their crimes.