As the Chinook landed, and the rear ramp lowered, He got off. He looked at the area and sighed. He hated the middle east, and africa. He really hated any place that was like a desert and full of sand. He didn't even like the beach, reminded him of areas like this. He watched as the people disembarked, most of them having their nation's patch on their shirts and jackets. He looked at his right arm, where he had a tattoo of a skull in a shield on it. It was the symbol of the ADTR. The unit never gave out patches. They instead branded the skin of their members. It was meant to be a permanent reminder of who you belonged to. He shook that off though and looked at the LA Police officer. He wanted to laugh as he saw him. "This is great. Were suppose to have the most elite warriors on the planet. And we settle for a meter maid." He thought to himself. He thought about making a smart ass remark. But decided against it. He just listened to the officer and followed when he asked to. He would get a comment in at a later point. He was rather upset that the Marine didn't respond to his comment. Was she just a POG? Normally, if he said that, a Marine would kick his ass for insulting the upkeep of their uniform. He shrugged it off though, there were more important things going on.