Shinji walked towards the kitchen, and once he entered it, he glanced around... The kitchen was his teritorium, it was where he created the food for his mistress, and where he could do what ever he wanted. Shinji grabbed a few pans, as he started to make the meat stew wich he would cook for tonight's dinner. First he would scrape some skin of a lemon, place it onto the meat itself, then place aome herbs upon it and place it in the oven, after that he would cut some vegetables, cook them and place a pan with water ontop of the pit. He then slowly starts to create the stew, mixing them all together and waiting till it's ready... He then places the pan onto a cart, places a deep plate next to it and slowly drives it towards the mistress dining room, where she would always sit when she wouldn't have guests. once arrived, he walks towards the dancing room, knocks twice and enters. As he waits for the mistress to finish her last dance, he bows. [b]"Dinner is served in the same room as always, Mi'lady"[/b]