Missed. Sweet! The man wasn´t about to fall over dead anytime soon. Lovely. He continued the swing of his sword upwards, already knowing where the next strike would come from. In his peripheral vision, he could see Bodyslam twist his body, left shoulder back, right forward, a clear indication of the right arm thrusting forward. Mordem noted that his opponent was overly fond of thrusting attacks. Using that against him shouldn´t be a problem. His sword flew over his shoulder, as he had intended if his first counter-attack had missed, and held vertically against his back. He bent his knees, and crouched forward, moving out of the path of the attack. The incoming blow, which involved a hidden blade, skid horizontally along the side of his sword, producing an uncomfortably high screeching noise. The blow itself carried such force that it would easily have skewered Mordem upon a direct hit. On it´s current path, however, the massive strength of his opponent went unnoticed. Upon contact, Mordem shifted his balance from his right leg to his left (front), and his upper body was brought forward. When Redshot´s arm was extended fully, Mordem would have skid his sword all the up to his opponent´s right elbow, utilizing the same weak spot as before, but this time able to use the full length of his blade since there was nothing between his sword and it´s mark. So came the blow. He brought his left arm forward, while his right hand was pulled towards his chest, slashing upwards over his shoulder, continuing downwards in what would be a continuous motion forward against Redshot´s left hand as well as it´s intended target, should the sword pass unhindered.