Still as a statue Yu waits, the only movement from him is the occasional twitch of tail or whisker, the winds once more warning him before going back to simply telling him what they day holds in other places around the city. [i]'All seems calm for now'[/i] He stays still even as the bell rings and people come pouring out of the door. His eyes drift over to where several from the evening before gather and begin talking, a few glancing his way before going into some deep discussion. [i]'I do not thing I like this. . .'[/i] the youkai muses, however he does not have long to think about them as within a minute or two, the one he came to see exits the building. His paws flex on the stone beneath his feet, his mouth opening into a small meow that no one is close enough to hear. [i]'There he is. I wonder if he is well. They were rough on him yesterday. Perhaps I should warn the mean ones off today. . .'[/i] Fortunately for both Yu and Ethan, the bullies have already decided to leave the boy alone today, the sigh of the feline sitting on the wall enough to put them on edge. Leaping down to s shorter perch after seeing the youngsters glance at Ethan and for the most part ignore him, Yu waits for the boy to pass, his head tilting this way and that as he waits. When at last Ethan comes into sight however the young man barely spares him a glance before heading on towards his home. His head tilts to the side and stays there, a soft meow once more finding it's way past his lips. [i]'That is odd. I thought he was curious of me at the very least'[/i] His tails swishes back and forth in thought until at last he nods to himself. [i]'Perhaps he didn't recognize me. I am a cat after all, and there are real strays in this city'[/i] Hopping down from his perch he slinks off after the youth, keeping back and to the side until he senses no one nearby. With a few quick leaps he passes the boy several yards off to the side before leaping on to the path a good ways in front of the youth, sitting down and curling his tail around his feet. His protective nature is still flowing strong, telling him he needs to at the least keep and eye on the young man, and if he can get a little attention out of that, all the better.