[i]Dear New Student, You are cordially invited to the annual Masquerade Ball in celebration on behalf of--you. Panic over attire is unnecessary since your measurements have already been pulled from the uniform orders. An elegant ball gown or lavish tux chosen by the Headmistress waits in your assigned dorm wardrobe along with a mask. Please don both pieces as they are mandatory for your entrance into the Grand Hall. Dinner will be provided along with music for your entertainment. I, Lumen a veteran student and also in charge of admissions will greet you and a short speech will commence given by the Headmistress herself. The welcome ceremony begins at 10 pm in which the doors to the Grand Hall will lock. Do not be late.[/i] Lumen’s steady hands finished setting personalized white envelopes on each nightstand next to all queen sized beds in both grandiosely decorated male and female dorms. Each wing with a set color palette in the name of semi-precious gemstones, and meticulously kept up with. If any ware or tare materialized on any piece of furniture, that item would be replaced post haste. The Headmistress demanded her Venetian style Academy to uphold an air of grand nobility at all times even down to the highly polished gold flatware. It would seem that as the outside world began to deteriorate just like the Headmistress, she made especially sure to keep her student’s lives inside as comfortable as possible. The raven haired Junior spent the good part of the morning going through all dorms to arrange their quarters, placing the dresses and tuxes in each wardrobe, and writing the letters to set beside their extravagant beds. Another year of this tradition would soon come to pass though this particular time seemed disrespectful to celebrate. A young student by the name of Patricia vanished from the school not long ago. Her fresh face cast on the screen of the missing persons channel, never to be seen again. These series of ill-fated events were growing to become a normal occurrence but this particular pupil’s disappearance weighed heavy on Lumen’s fragile heart. This event along with the head of the Academy coming down with an unknown condition drew suspicion, and filled the paneled halls with whispers from students. In the past few months Lumen has gradually watched as the Headmistress’ heath diminishes further. If there were doctors present their recommendations would be strict bed rest but the unyielding headmistress would most likely arch a brow, and wave them away with an impatient hand. Her dangerously gaunt frame had not moved from inside the large office, which was conveniently connected to her sleeping quarters, for some time. Refusing to see anyone--including Lumen on most occasions, the young student currently dealt with matters of the Academy almost entirely solo. Strikes of a grandfather clock echoed through the dimly lit onyx room signaling 9 at night. Each unique student would be revealing themselves in precisely one hour. Per year, students would gather into an empty Grand Hall when they arrived. It would only be freshman’s attending--though crashing upperclassmen was normal--along with Axel and herself. The Headmistress would greet them after everyone’s arrival. For some reason Lumen had a bad feeling welling up inside--this semester was going to be different...she could sense that much. Time had unexpectedly flown by and the grey eyed girl still had many errands to attend to. For example, discussing security and the like with Axel should have been addressed hours ago. With the Headmistress being indisposed lately, all the brunt of Academy endeavors fell upon Lumen’s weary shoulders. With confident strides the loyal undergraduate left the room, locking it behind her, and headed outside underneath many moons that illuminated the lush courtyards. Inching toward the only dark shadow among the eerie Tordred Maze, she could only assume the towering frame gazing into the abyss belonged to Axel. Though technically blind the timid looking student possesses a rather nifty ability of negative vision, which allows her to “see” obscurity. This took years to become accustomed to and she will never completely master the art of dwelling in a literal shadow world—by any means. With this blindness also came a creepy attribute. Often times large doe eyes forget to blink thus appearing quite ghostly in nature. There is little need to practice that act regularly and in all honestly she finds it quite an annoyance now. [b]“Axel, you will be attending the masquerade ball I imagine? The Headmistress will need your assistance more than ever presently.”[/b] Cut right to the chase, and although on a first name basis--it would seem otherwise due to her rigid tone. [b]“To be quite honest I have tried to cancel this silly gathering numerous times…She just doesn't seem up to the task.”[/b] After folding arms in ire she looked away for a moment before clearing her throat to continue. [b]“Either way, you’ll be staying in the Sapphire dorm, and you will behave yourself.”[/b] She commanded in a stern voice with an ever serious expression. [hider=]Summary: As implied, your character is invited to a Masquerade ball thrown in their honor. The Grand Hall where the party is taking place is completely empty excluding buffet tables near the walls and an empty orchestra. It’s around 9 and you will be greeted by the headmistress at 10ish--if you are on time. If not, the Grand Halls doors will be locked & you will have to find something else to occupy your time around CTS. If you do go that route I will make sure you have someone/thing to talk to. :} [/hider]