[center] ALU Caught off guard when the door swung open, she lifted her arms to prepare for an attack and defend herself. "Vampire?" she mumbled, confused as to why the wizard would be around a nest of vampires.The person only spoke to them, however, so Alu hesitantly dropped her hands to the side and observed the man standing in the doorway. Just by staring into his eyes, Alu could already since he was powerful, definitely more powerful than she was. It would be best to antagonize him as little as possible, ideally. But they needed to get inside no matter what, because now that the door was open, Alu could sense faint traces of magic inside of the building. "We...we are searching for somebody. We think he may be here or at least passed through." she explained, getting straight to the point. If this vampire did not cooperate with them, they she and Zra would simply have to figure out another way inside. JECHT "It's your fault this happened!" he shouted to Valente, pointing to the broken table and toppled couch. He bent down and reached for the largest shard of broken glass he could find and glared at the wizard, who had dared swing his arm around Trixxtal's shoulders. Jecht was about to yell once again for him to get his disgusting hands off of Trixxtal, but thankfully, Trixxtal shoved him away almost immediately. He smiled at the violence, but his anger once again returned when the wizard trash sat down in the armchair. Why was the wizard being extra annoying today?! "Oh yeah?? Well, I'll be sure to watch the series without you, when you are out of the house!" he countered, storming up to Valente and swinging the shard of glass at the wizard's arm in an attempt to slash him open. [/center]