Ethan was no fool, and he could not help but keep an eye on the strange little stray cat that looked just like his guardian angel, imaginary friend, protector... youkai... had yesterday. He had hoped he was just seeing things, but as the cat began to follow him home, passing him as he walked down the sidewalk, he could not continue to ignore it. He stepped up to the animal, and checked all around him to make sure no one would hear him speak, for a part of him was still trying to convince himself that this was just a normal, everyday stray. “Are you who I think you are? And why are you following me?” he asked blatantly, still feeling more than a little ridiculous for talking to a random stray feline. But then again, people talked to animals all the time, right? He was far more afraid that the little cat would answer, proving that either yesterday was not a dream, or that he was still dreaming somehow.