Once the helicopter blades stopped their downward wash, Ruven reached into his calf pocket, and produced his [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b3/USAF_Pararescue_Beret.jpg/1024px-USAF_Pararescue_Beret.jpg]Beret[/url]. He pulled off the goggles and Shemagh and placed them in the pocket the beret came from, while placing it on his head. He was damn well going to show the cloth he was cut from. He noticed however that the group was distancing themselves from the Americans among them, and quickly realized making friends was going to be difficult. He meandered toward the female marine as the guard approached, intent on at least bonding with someone who could watch his back, while distancing himself from the other American. The same American was making a show of being the cocky western cowboy the world thought them to be. Ruven had noticed the look of disdain the marine had when the Soldier had said whatever to her. He made a joke, just loud enough for her to hear. "You know what they say. Army special ops are the best of the worst." he said, with a smug grin. Ruven appraised the guard as he led them away, looked soft. A troublemaker of some sort to end up here. But LAPD didn't have a lot of scrubs, from what he understood, and with USA declining, most cities were becoming Gangland, USA. Ruven figured the man was worth a lot more than initial appearances gave. As the group made it's way forward, most choosing to remain at the back, Ruven made his way to the front, and wondering if they were going to get choices of beds, and hoped he got a bunk close to the chow hall.