[img=http://i.imgur.com/d5bz6p1.png] "You're such a spoil sport. You halted them all just to get them to step on his corpse, contaminating their water would be long-term and an ultimate show of devotion. Plus, it'd be funny as heck." Cordelia chuckled at the idea, she was bothered that he was a higher rank, but yet again she wouldn't listen to his orders, only The First's. "We're making this all so blatantly obvious... I wouldn't be surprised if someone was on our tail already. Also, I'm not going with you. I'm taking my own way and we're going to see who gets to the cave first!" Grinning her usual grin, she quickly ran off into the forest, immediately she noticed how different the bugs were as compared to back at base - she stilled adored these ones too, though. The sight of them made her feel slightly more adventurous yet slightly more at home. Cordelia recalled her experiences with the Ragged Brotherhood so far; being inducted after destroying her boarding school, displaying her powers that could even still be worked on, becoming an ensign and finally reaching this job where laughter would await her.