Nicky stepped up to the mic and began to address the crowd. There were quite a bit more people than she expected to be standing in front of her that night but she was ready for it and raring to go. She was never someone who would get stage fright, in fact she thrived on the excitement of the crowd and she always wanted them to be loud and entertained. "Alright, thank you all for coming out." She said with a big grin on her face. "We are Out of Thin Air and we hope you came here with high expectations because we're about to blow your goddamn mind." Never did anyone say Nicky was the most modest person in any situation. She nodded to the band in order to tell them to start with the first song before starting to sing. Her vocals weren't the greatest in the world but she injected a lot of emotion into her singing. To be fair her two earlier works were a queercore punk band and a crust punk outfit that lasted two weeks so this was easily the most vocally demanding project she had ever been in, but she could hold her own and could carry a tune pretty damn well.