Clara stumbled across the beach, sand filling her loafers. The grains rubbed uncomfortably against her feet, so she took the shoes off. She tried to orient herself and get out of the haze her mind was in by running through facts. Maybe that would make the whole situation a little bit easier. Fact: The plane crashed. Why? She wasn't sure, but she did know her luck had plummeted to an all time low. Fact: She had somehow landed on an island that, as far as she knew, was in the middle of nowhere in the pacific ocean. At least that was one good thing. The plane could have gone down over an empty stretch of water and she could have drowned. Clara saw what looked like two figures beneath a tree up ahead. Her eyes widened in surprise and relief. Fact: She wasn't alone on the island. She picked up her pace, wanting to reach the others as fast as she could. As she got closer, she was able to make out a few more details. There was a boy and a girl. The girl looked injured, but Clara couldn't tell how badly. Both of them were pretty bedraggled, though. She suddenly felt self-conscious about her own appearance. In her career, image was everything, so she couldn't help but worry about looking unruly. She forced herself to put the thought aside. She just came out of a plane crash! What did it matter if she didn't have perfect hair and flawless skin? It's not like there would be a photo shoot on an uninhabited island. "Um hey," Clara said when she reached the two people. She stared at her feet and tried not to stare at the girl's injuries. Blood always made her feel woozy. She realized she hadn't planned this out at all; she was at a loss at what else to say. Silence drew out awkwardly as Clara shuffled her bare feet, burying her toes in the sand. "So, um, do either of you know where we are?" She bit her lip. It was a stupid thing to ask. Of course they wouldn't know where they were, and the girl was in no state to reply. Clara wanted to run, she was so embarrassed, but she also didn't want to leave them. As far as she knew, there were no other survivors and she didn't want to end up on her own again.