Feneya's eyes had glazed over hours ago, she was mindlessly following the rest of the dragons as her hearts broke bit by bit. She wondered how any of them would survive without the Queen, especially the hatchlings that had barely taken their first steps. Her eyes had run out of tears to shed long ago and her thoughts turned to memories of her Queen. Feneya realized then that the Queen was more than a mentor, more than her Queen. She was her friend. Of all the dragons Feneya had known, the Queen was the only true friend she had. On the days that Feneya tended to the Queen, they always had conversations that went far deeper than what the Queen wanted to eat. Feneya had confided her every thought in the Queen, and she always listened with patience, kindness, and wisdom. Feneya sighed as her shoulders ached for rest. She saw two dragons break away from the group and land, so with another sigh she descended into a clearing that was close enough to the other two to warn them of danger, but far enough away as not to disturb them. She sniffed the air for any trace of human and slowly lowered herself into the soft grass. She sighed wistfully and wearily stretched her wings before folding them up at her sides. She opened her mouth and let out a small but bright [i]torf[/i], taking comfort in the moment of warm light in front of her. Even for a dragonelle of Aramoor, Feneya's [i]foua[/i] was stronger and more potent than most other drakes and drakkas she met. But now...That didn't matter to her. Nothing did. She shook her head and tried to pull herself together. She thought to herself [i]This isn't what She would want. I can't give up and wallow in my sorrow, that's not what She would want me to do. I will remember Her, but I will not let Her death be in vain. I will live on, I will pass on Her memory, and I will protect Her legacy. I don't care what I have to do, I will fight for our survival. The hatchlings will live, and the[/i] humans[i] will never do this again![/i] Feneya settled into the grass and decided to stay awake for the rest of the night, just to make sure there weren't any humans following them.