[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/1ff888ea-e64c-4143-be49-2defc36cda02.jpg[/img] ARIUS MASTEMA || BELARIUS BLACK 50 years old 10/03/1095 Arius was born to Aria Mastema and Belzeneff Black, making him an illegitimate prince of Wiz. His mother Aria was a devoted priestess of Oz who would blindly and happily do ANYTHING for the king, but more importantly, the prophet of Oz. When he was a baby, fanatic Belzeneff loyalists killed Aria after discovering the affair because she “wronged the royal family”. Arius was raised by his grandmother in the north until she passed away when he was 20. Arius grew up with knowledge about his heritage because his grandmother couldn’t bring herself to lie about the circumstances about his mother’s death. He moved to the main city after his grandmother’s funeral, having no other idea of what to do now that he was alone. He asked for an audience with the king using his regular name, but the council thought he was just a random commoner child and denied him, which angered Arius. He didn’t know what to do, since his mother had been from a high class family and he still wasn’t able to get clearance, so he ventured to the church where his mother used to serve. The high priestess, Symphora, recognized his family name and was happy to speak with the son of one of her old friends. She was devastated to learn Aria had been dead all this time without her knowing and as an apology for never checking up on his family, revealed he had a way of grabbing his father’s attention. At birth he was secretly listed as Belarius Black in the royal family records with no documented mother, to make it harder for anyone to find him in the future despite that idea not working out too well. Arius did not hesitate to use that name in order to secure an audience with the king. When he met his father for the first time, Arius was disappointed about the one parent he had left seeing him mostly as an inconvenience. Belzeneff did not have much to say to him and the only thing he wanted from Arius was a promise to not reveal his identity. Instead of agreeing, Arius childishly threw a tantrum and threatened to expose himself as an illegitimate prince because he was angry that Belzeneff didn't care about him, only that his wife not find out about him. At first Belzeneff tried to convince him to keep his mouth shut, but Arius continued arguing with him and it escalated to Belzeneff yelling in frustration that he didn’t care anymore if Arius said anything. So out of spite, Arius did just what he threatened without a shred of remorse. He was in despair over feeling alone and having no family left, so he cared little about what happened to him now. But to his shock, the queen summoned him after she heard about him and spoke to Arius in private. She said that if she didn’t accept him when she managed to accept Belisario, it wouldn’t be fair to him, and she invited him to stay in the castle. Arius accepted her offer and looked to her with reverence, while at the same time realizing another reason to despise his father; he is absolutely the worst type of person for cheating on the wonderful queen. He loves Bellona as the only real parent he has ever had and in contrast with Belzeneff he acts polite with the queen, who happens to be the only person he’s willing to listen to. Arius tends to do whatever he wants, fully intending to take advantage of the fact the royal family is above the law, and often acts on a whim. He rarely plans for anything and makes things up as he go, so one day he might wake up and decide to randomly leave the city for a “vacation” from the job he doesn’t have, which usually causes his protector to panic when he suddenly disappears. While he was easily angered when he was younger, Arius has become a calm man who has a constant polite smile on his face. However, he tends to make people uncomfortable just because he thinks it’s amusing. He purposely gives long awkward hugs or handshakes, stare unfazed into people’s eyes, sits uncomfortably close to people, and other actions that invade personal space. His status as an illegitimate prince is public knowledge but Arius has no interest in succeeding the throne. He doesn't want to ever rule over foolish subjects who genuinely adore his tyrant father and especially not become a prophet of Oz, since he knows it was devotion to the wizard god that caused his birth mother to fall for the prophet; his unfaithful father. [hider=Relationships] NON-FAMILY Gracidea Merlani: Best Friend, Protector Symphora Zylan: Acquaintance IMMEDIATE FAMILY Father: Belzeneff Black Mother: Aria Mastema Step Mother: Bellona Valentia Black (Valentia Mancini) Half Siblings: Belladon Black, Belladonna Black, Bellerophon Black, Furei Justus (Bellissiah Black), Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belmarie Black, Belial Black, Bellakane Black, Bell Tyyrell, Maya Vega (Belvia Black), Paravel Barasstian (Beleon Black), Belisario Black, Leeland Everlark, Amery Pahaliah PATERNAL FAMILY Nephew: Abel Tyyrell Niece: Anabelle Parker (Anabelle Tyyrell) Grand Nephew: Ethan Smith (Jordon Parker) Grandfather: Belantino Black Grandmother: Bellarose Trrancedigaeth Black (Trrancedigaeth Quintana) Great Grandfathers: Belano Black, Trryga Quintana Great Grandmothers: Beliana Kessna Black (Kessna Hoyja), Trrancengan Quintana Great Great Grandparent: Belinda Black 3rd Great Grandparent: Belliah Black 4th Great Grandparent: Belvidelle Black 5th Great Grandparent: Bella Black 6th Great Grandparent: Beldane Black 7th Great Grandparent: Belove Black 8th Great Grandparent: Belisma Black 9th Great Grandparent: Belidora Black 10th Great Grandparent: Belzebub Black 10th Great Granduncle: Belphegor Black 11th Great Grandparent: Belberith Black 12th Great Grandparent: Belanca Black 13th Great Grandparent: Beliss Black 14th Great Grandparent: Belle Black 15th Great Grandparent: Bellarie Black 16th Great Grandparent: Belarmino Black 17th Great Grandparents: Beliarosa Fairee Black, Belizano Faize Black (Faize Ceres) 22nd Great Grandparent: Faith Ceres 30th Great Grandparent: Fairra Ceres 30th Great Granduncle: Faintasia Ceres 31st Great Grandparents: Faizera Ceres, Oz [/hider] [/center]