Johnny Black rolled into town on a vintage Harley Davidson, and hell rolled with him. "So much to do so little time." Thr grail war presented itself like a puzzle, he always had a knack for puzzles. The lo ger he dwelled on it the more clearly a plan formed in his mind. The first step struck him like a bolt of lightning. 'Downtown' Johnny hooked a left and rode downtown until he felt a tingling behind his eyes and a twinge of excitement. He parked his bike near thr dumpsters behind a club called volt and waited in silence. It felt right. 15 mins later a slicked up sleaze ball in no religion jeans and a three soze too smal ed hardy shirt dragged a reluctant girl in a dress with far too litttle material out the back door. Something was obviously wrong. She moved unnaturally, unable to catch herself. Drunk or the beginings of roofinal? Probably both. He pressed her up against the dumpster and began to kiss her aggressively, hos hand roving her body roughly tearing the delicate material of her dress. Johnny put down the kick stand to his bike and walked over briskly. He wasnt in any particular rush. Just as the would be rapist moved to unleash his undoubtedly erect penis he shreiked in pain as a switchblade dug so deeply into his right buttock it scraped his hip bone. "Thats not nice. Leave." Johnny's tone was both authorative and aloof, as he spoke he gave the blade a quarter turn punctuating his command. The poor rapist was so shocked he couldnt comply immediately caught squarly between the instinct to fight and flee, preserving his life. The hesitation was unacceptable. Johnny snaked his left hand around the left sode of the mans head and dug his middle finger into the mans eye socket before giving him a good spin. His head spun, his body didnt. The corpse flopped to the ground unceremoniously. Johnny step forward to the gorl face to face and held her close to him "Shh shh its ok its ok" the words came to him naturally. The drugged girl was too out of it to realize the implications of what she had just seen. "We have to get out of here, where do you live?" She told him. He wrapped her in his long coat as she clung to his back, hair blowing in the wind from the back of his harley. As they arrived at her home he helped her up the stairs and through the threshold. "Thank you" It came out slurred. "Do you have any roommates? Close family or friends I can call? I dont like leaving you alone like this" "No no, just me" "Oh, I see" He drove a black key into her heart through her arm pit and dropped her like a sack of potatoes. "Excellent" he now had a base of operations. He located her computer quickly and set an order for industrial strength zip ties to be delivered to the house. The girls credit card information was saved in her browser. How adorable. Once he received a tracking number he ransacked the home until he found her car keys and wallet. As he made his way down to her ford explorer he made a mental checklist - Sawdust - Manure - Carpentry nails - Lighter fluid - Rope - florescent light tubes... "Onward to home depot"