[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JgfLLQy.gif[/img][/center] To address the claims put forth by the Prime Minster of Great Britain, emissaries from the European Coalition had reached out to United States ambassadors with a proposal of a Canadian invasion. This offer was swiftly turned down based on the fact that this country is currently engaged in one conflict, a conflict that has seen nearly one hundred and fifty thousand Americans killed in the past year. I understand the concerns Great Britain may have about United States retaliation from the European involvement in the early part of our civil war, but it is not our intent to take Canada. The fiery rhetoric from our politicians may be cause for alarm, but they are just words. I can no sooner control Thaddeus Stevens than I could control the outgoing tide. That is the beauty of freedom of speech in a Republic,it protects everyone. That fact is something that I can forgive the new Prime Minister for being confused over as his country adjusts to their new political system. I would also like to end by appealing to the great country of Mexico and to advise them not to become sucked into this horrible European war. There is no need to involve the good people of Mexico in a conflict they had no hand in starting nor will gain anything from any victory their side might achieve. -- President Abraham Lincoln.