[center][b]Hayate Hyƫzu Konoha Genin - Team 2[/b][/center] It was peaceful here. Letting out a long sigh, Hayate finally opened his eyes. He sat still for another moment, simply enjoying the peace of his surroundings. It was good that nobody knew of this place; it gave him somewhere he could come when he needed to be by himself, and right now that was something that he desperately needed. So many thoughts raced through his head, and even the calming nature of this place wasn't enough to get them off his mind. Sighing again, Hayate stood and stretched out his stiff muscles. He had lost track of just how long he had been sitting there, but it was probably time to get back. Turning, Hayate started to make his way home. -------- [center][i]Several Hours Later...[/i][/center] He saw the note long before he reached the door to his room. Reaching out he pulled it from the wood and began to read. It was from Kiyomi, asking for him to meet with the remainder of Team 2 and Team 7 at the training fields. [i]Looks like we finally have another mission.[/i] Hayate thought to himself, excited that he would finally have something to distract himself with. Entering his room, he quickly changed. Noticing something else in his room as well, Hayate nodded to himself. It seemed it was going to have to take a little longer to get to the training fields, but he was okay with that. Grabbing his equipment, Hayate left the room and headed on his way. ----- [center][i]Sometime later... Konoha Training Field 2[/i][/center] Entering the field, Hayate glanced around. It looked as if he were the first one here. Sitting down, he decided to simply wait. It wouldn't be too much longer until the rest of the teams arrived. Hayate reached into his pocket to make sure he could still feel the item that he had placed there. Surprisingly, his hand found something else. Pulling the item out, Hayate realized that it was a lollipop. A warm smile touched his face as he unwrapped it and popped it in his mouth. Closing his eyes, Hayate began focusing his chakra, seeing as he was going to be waiting awhile, he wanted to practice the technique that Kiyomi had shown him. Only this time, he was going to make sure to make the right seal at the end...