Durus moved onward, unflinching as a bolt of energy lanced towards him and narrowly missed, hitting a thug at his flank. Hefting his greatsword Durus brought it down and cleaved through the most heavily armed of the bandits, armor, skin, and bones before getting stuck in the ground. Leaving the sword in the where it lay, Durus turned and punched a guy walking up behind him. There was a sickening crunch as his ribs cracked, the gurgling sound was worse. However this didn't effect Durus, having seen it happen hundreds of times. Seeing his display of strength the other thugs in his area began to become more cautious, fearing the titan mans might. "If you got to do something, you have to do it yourself!" The leader wailed, fury radiated from him like heat from a fire. Speaking of fire, Durus found himself bathed in it. Apparently this man was a mage of some sort. Grunting from the force of the flames hitting him, Durus braced himself and continued his march until his hands, now white hot, grabbed the mans and the smell of burnt flesh and screams of agony pierced the sky. With the mans hands now immobilized, he weakly said, "What sort of monster are you?" Fear evident in his voice. Looking in the mans eyes, Durus said nothing as he wrapped his hands around his head, letting him burn. Seeing as their leader was so easily dispatched by the monster in mans armor, the men around Durus ran. It mattered not to Durus as he pulled his sword from the ground and looking towards his companions. Still glowing from the mans flame attack.