Korina finally managed to snuff out the last of the flames on her sleeves as she heard the guards start to direct civilians into the chapel. She spotted a pair of dremora charging the civilians, one in particular a small wood elf. Korina rushed forward, gathering the electricity that sparked along her body. She grabbed a fallen baled as she charged forward. With a flick of her arm she sent the iron blade hurtling toward the demons. One screamed in pain and fury as the baled went straight through its leg, forcing it to one knee. It turned just in time to see the high elf slam her palm into its face and pump electricity into his body. It screeched in pain before falling still and slumping to the side. Its companion turned on her, intent to avenge its died comrade. It swung at her with its claymore. Korina side stepped, barely feeling a breeze from the blade as it whisked by. She reared her arm back and collected mana to her fingertips. With blur of movement her fingers ripped through the dremora’s throat. Black ichor bubbled up from its mouth as its eyes rolled up in its head. Korina slumped visibly. She was starting to feel fatigued. She needed to begin conserving her left over mana. She pulled a pair of throwing daggers from her belt and sent them flying at a scamp with its back turned. The blades both found their mark in the back of its head, killing it. “Go to the chapel,” Koirna said turning the young woman behind her. Korina then noticed the girl wasn’t a wood elf but an Imperial. Korina shrugged off her mild shock,” You will be safe there.” With that Korina ran toward one of the buildings and began scaling it with practiced ease and skill. Once on top of the building she shut her Lightning Cloak spell of and started to rain down showers of sparks on the dremora on the ground, drawing their attention from the fleeing civilians. Most took the bait sending spells of their own at her but the high elf had the advantage of the high ground and sharpened reflexes. She dodged the firebolts with relative ease. She knew she would eventually started to become sluggish as fatigue creeped along her limbs. [i]I only need to hold their attention for a short time.’[/i]