[center][b][i]When one Hasewaga's dies, Another rises from the ashes. Yumi's gift, to Leo. A collab between Koyo and Alice.[/center][/b][/i] [center][i]Summary:[/i] After she had done her chores, which made her meet up again with Katsu Uchiha. After that, Kiyomi went to the office of Zakito to receive a short briefing on the mission. Now heading to the home of Leo, Kiyomi decides to pick up her student to go to the meeting point together. There she finds him, but then the news reaches Leo about Yumi's death. Just before an important mission.[/center] [hider=Yumi's gift.] Walking towards the house, Kiyomi wondered. She had been quite busy and hadn't much time to check on Leo. It brought a smile on her lips as she thought about the young boy. He was now eleven years old. But she still saw him as ten years old. As the young boy who wanted to learn from her, after he was permited to join the Guardians. Kiyomi cherished that memory, when she bonded with Leo. He was sometimes naive and stubborn, but that made him just somebody she liked. While she approached the house, Kiyomi thought about something else. No, she would just pick Leo up and take him on the mission. Something she hadn't done for quite some time. Knocking on the door, Kiyomi would wait for somebody to open up. Leo was sat on the bed twirling his Kunai in boredom, it had been quite a while since he had done something good. Konohagakure seemed to be changing in front of his eyes in a way he couldn't explain. His actions were ceased due to a knock on the door. Leo's eyes shifted side to side, holding his kunai with the blade facing backwards he slowly left the bedroom and went down the stairs. After seeing his sister do it so many times he tried it and eventually it got stuck into him, cautious is the best way. He placed his hand on the door and slowly opened, when he saw enough to know who it was, he would fully open up, revealing his Sensei and Jounnin leader Kiyomi. A smile was painted on his face when he saw her. [b]" Sensei, it's been awhile, hope you have been well, would you like to come in?"[/b] he said, opening door wider and gesturing her to come in. No, he hadn't changed at all. Tilting her head a bit to the left, she placed a hand on his head. But she didn't ruffled his hair. [b]''How can I say no to such a gentleman? I would be honored, Leo-kun.''[/b] Kiyomi said. Entering the house, she would put out her sandals. After that, she silently eyed Leo. He had grown a little bit? Or was it just her imagination? But as she looked at him, she also knew that something was different. After all, maybe he had heard the news about Yumi? [b]''Hey, Leo-kun... How are you?''[/b] Kiyomi asked. Though she wanted to asked it in a polite and friendly manner, her voice was soft and worried. Like the mere question would harm him. She made him blush on the inside, she still treating him like he was a kid, the fact he was still a kid but a year in Konohagakure has made him feel like a teen. Like time has flown by. Leo would lead her into the main room, he would boil the and pour two cups of tea before being asked how he was. [b]"Truthfully... I've been a little unoccupied recently, physically I'm fine, but mentally i have been challenged with the wall of boredom. I have been trying to train and hone my skills."[b] He flexed out his fingers from first to the smallest finger. [b]"How about yourself, has my Sensei been well."[/b] He was grateful Kiyomi came, it had been awhile since he has had visitors and he had not heard from his sister in a while. He thought he would check up on her tonight. Tea. Kiyomi took the cup as she couldn't help herself. Staring at the tea, she knew that she couldn't drink it. The medicine didn't allow it. It would mean she would throw up blood due an attack. Kiyomi kept holding the cup while Leo answered her question. It did her good to hear he had been training his skills. She had expected little else from him. Feeling actually a bit guilty that she hadn't pay that much off attention to him, Kiyomi wanted to apologize already. But he asked now if she was well. [b]''I had it quite busy. The Hokage needed me around to do some... duties.''[/b] Kiyomi said. Her left hand trembled a little bit. But she raised the cup to her mouth. [b]''Thanks Leo-kun.''[/b] She mumbled, almost a whisper as she opened her mouth. Fully aware what she was doing, she took a sip of her tea. It tasted so good. Much better than water all the time. Besides, she was aware that Leo didn't know. And she would rather suffer an attack from her dissease than to upset him with it. [b]''Did you heard anything about Yumi-san?''[/b] He had little sip of his own brew, the smell of the jasmine made him relax a little. He would expect his Sensei to be busy, to him she was one of the hidden gems of leaf village. He had done a little of his history, not much but a little. [b]"One day I hope i can help you with them, just to help ease the work load and gain a little more experience."[/b] He said taking a sip of his tea again. The warmth coming striking down his chest as he swallowed the brew. He shook his head with smile. "Any time, here you are always welcome Sensei. And to tell you the truth, I haven't in awhile, is she on an important mission?" He knew the price of the Anbu black ops, so he knew his sister wouldn't always be around, that she would occasionally pop up and then disappear off the face of the earth for days. He just hoped that she was fine, that she wasn't left to die, right now she was all he had, he was aware of possibility, but he wouldn't know what to do if she was dead. Her hands started to tremble more. Nobody had told him? Or did they forgot him? Not many knew Yumi had a younger brother. Leo wasn't that known by many. So it could have been a mistake. A forced smile started to creep on Kiyomi's lips. She thought about it. [b]''T-Thanks Leo-kun. You honor me too much.''[/b] She said first. Kiyomi thought about her words. Putting slowly her cup down on the table, Kiyomi had a sad smile on her lips. [b]''Hey, Leo-kun. Know what we haven't done in a long time? Hugged. Come here for a moment.''[/b] Spreading out her arms, Kiyomi felt sorrow and guilt already boiling up. Even the feeling of tears starting to well up, but she could restrain herself from crying yet. He picked up something, to be a Shinobi you must be observant and that was what Leo was, Leo was observant of the area and always observed people too, even without knowing. [b]" We haven't hugged in awhile, its true.[/b] He went straight into her, and embraced it like a child would there mothers, then he would whisper in Kiyomi's ear. [b]"Is everything alright Kiyomi? I saw your hands tremble, are you ill, you can always tell me what is troubling you, i can always lend an ear if you need."[/b] He grew concerned now, he felt rude using his Sensei's name, but it expressed how serious he was. Placing a hand at the back of Leo's head and one on his back, she embraced him in a tight hug. [b]''I am okay Leo. I am good as ever. You don't need to worry about me, promised. I am here.''[/b] She told him with a soft voice back. It didn't surprised her much that he had noticed her hand trembling. [b]''Leo, I want you to stay calm now. What I am going to tell isn't your fault. It is nobody's fault. Just, stay calm.''[/b] She started to instruct him. It took Kiyomi some moments before she had figured out how she was going to tell Leo the news. [b]''I have heard the news, but yesterday, the news came back that.... that.. Yumi died.''[/b] It was out. Kiyomi found it more difficult that she had thought of it. [b]''She was sent on a mission with three others. All of them died. I-I-I am so sorry, Leo.''[/b] Kiyomi would try to keep him in the hug, preparing how Leo would react on it. She wasn't sure how he would take the news. But she would be here for him. Not as a sensei. Not as a mentor. But as a dear friend. He felt her tighten, something was wrong. However she told him she was fine, and that he didn't need to worry. But to him that was like a cry for help, but his state of mind would change when told him to stay calm. His eyes widened with shock, he tried to think what she was about to say, word by word it came out and he tried to predict the next but he kept failing. In the end all done was stay silent for a few minutes. Then it would begin to strike him. He put on a face and and the most professional voice he could on. [b]"In the life of a Shinobi, its our... responsibility to carry out the mission regardless of life, an..ann." [/b] His voice didn't take that long to start trembling, it started to fade away and got all sobby. He couldn't finish it, his eyes were hotting up and the tears came down like curtains. [b]"And death".[/b] it stretched into a long weep, and that's where he would start. He felt sorrow circulate all over his entire body, he felt shame, he buried his face into Kiyomi trying to protect his face, to muffle sounds of emotion coming from his mouth. His body tensed, and cries were oddly sounding, it had been awhile since he cried, everything was all coming out, all he could think about was where her body was left, and put her in different scenarios of how she met her fate. [b]''I am here. You're not alone, Leo-kun.''[/b] Kiyomi told him. She would let him cry. Though they had a meeting within some time, Kiyomi would let him cry. The tears would likely make a spot on her clothes, but she honestly couldn't care about it. Closing her eyes, she thought how painful this was. But it wasn't really easy for her as well. She knew the secret. Yumi was still alive. Which made her think about the older girl. What did she thought when she would ever hear or see this? Would she keep watch over Leo? Kiyomi knew that Yumi cared a lot about him. She just didn't show it. That was the kind of person she just was. [b]''Leo-kun, listen. It is okay to cry. We can come a bit late to the meeting.''[/b] Kiyomi told him, trying to comfort him as best as she could. She wasn't only sure if she had any effect. [b]''I want you to know that I can relate a bit. But do keep in mind that you have some family left. Me and Hayate. We can't and don't want to replace Yumi, but we are there for you. Always. To the end.''[/b] Kiyomi told him as she gently kissed his forehead. He tried to stop himself crying out but he ended up grunting. He tried to listen to Kiyomi over his grunting, but image of his sister dying couldn't stop the waterfall from his eyes. He felt hot, and even began to lightly sweat. He couldn't talk but he wanted to, desperately to think of way to reply to Kiyomi. Head movement was the only way, but his head was so close to her, the kiss he had not felt in a long time, his emotions were all coming out, some he never knew that was there. He felt a mothers love, he only had Hayate and Kiyomi, they were only ones he could trust, all of line of cut off to him. He shook his head, and tried to speak. [b]"W-we c-can go."[/b] He teeth were pressed one another, he tried to stop himself. [b]"Thank you."[/b] [b]''No, please...Leo-kun.''[/b] Kiyomi told him. She wasn't crying on the outside. But she felt guilt and saddness from the inside. She could tell him right here and now that Yumi was okay. That she was alive and just couldn't see him anymore. That she was just now part of some secret ANBU division that would protect them from the shadows. But she couldn't. Kiyomi had sworn that she wouldn't give away the secrets. Not even now would she say something that could harm the special ANBU division or Leo. His trust in the Hokage would maybe become void. How could she expect that he would understand that the shinobi world was made up by lies and illusions like these? [b]''Don't thank me. Just... you already thank me by staying yourself. And- And by being in one piece.''[/b] She told him. Placing her head against his, she was assuming he told them that they could go, cause he wanted to look strong. Maybe strong, cause he believed Yumi was watching over him? Was he believing in heaven or something like that? Kiyomi felt ashamed that she wasn't sure of that. She could come up with reasons, but she didn't want to rush this. She wanted to make it clear at her best that she was there for him. Now and till the bitter end. He wondered where Yumi would be, he believed he'd have to Yumi, just more masculine if she wasn't here then leaf has lost something precious to them. He would have to blossom, he would have to ascend over Yumi, he wanted to make her proud, he wanted to make everyone proud. But right now he felt he was making himself look fragile. He trembled a little, [b]"I- I got to be my best, please Kiyomi, please make me into a great Shinobi, I can't let my sister down, I can't lose track just because there are no footsteps to follow.''[/b] He thought about joining his sister where ever she was, a quick cut to his throat and he'd be in front of her, but so much stopped him from doing it, the illusion of remaining strong, his loyalty to the leaf, to his peers, to Hayate and Kiyomi, and also the fear of not seeing his sister, he just hoped she was happier. He started to slowly calm down a little. slower and slower. [b]" Have they found her body?"[/b] His request wasn't helping her making feel better. She thought about it. She wouldn't turn it down, but it just made the guilt worse. She tried her best not to cry. Not because she wanted to look strong, but because she felt like it would make her guilt worse. [b]''Leo-kun, I will do my best. You have my word and honor on that. His question made Kiyomi think. [b]''I will ask. If so, we will ask Hayate if we can give her a proper burial. Like she deserved. Okay? Just stay... a bit strong from now. We will do our own mission and then will take care of that. I promise.''[/b] Kiyomi whispered. Her best was enough for Leo, Leo lost a sister, but he was aware that Kiyomi had lost a friend too, he wondered if she cried as bad he did. He was aware he wasn't only one weeping over her death, but Yumi was somebody he wanted really know, to make up for years not growing up together, the chance was gone, he only could do the only thing he could think of and that was walk in shadow with pride. [b]"I'm grateful that I'm blessed with someone like you as a teacher, and friend like Hayate, I will remain strong as long as you guys are here."[/b] He tried to shake it off, his head felt a little heavy from crying, but he believed he'd be over it. [b]"We better get this mission done Sensei."[/b] He embraced her one last time before separating, it felt like his last time as a child.[b]"Thank you for everything ."[/b] Becoming quiet, she listened to the words of Leo. They were meant to give her a warm feeling. That she was doing a good job as somebody close to him and as a sensei, a mentor. But she felt it differently. She felt like a liar. And she couldn't do anything about it. Not only her sense of duty, but it would just hurt Leo more. It would hurt him and confuse him a lot. Kiyomi tried to say something back. But she wasn't sure what. Thanking him? Kiyomi felt ashamed. And disgusted by what she was. A good sensei? Not at all. She caused both of her students nothing more than pain and sorrow. [b]''Remember that I am always there for you. Always. No matter what happens or changes.''[/b] Feeling how he seperated himself from her, she eyed him. From close she could see every detail that he had cried. Sitting up straight, she wanted to place a hand on his shoulder. But somehow, it felt wrong. She wouldn't treat him anymore like he was a baby. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she gently sqeeuzed him. [b]''Lets get going then.''[/b] Rising up from the couch, she waited for him. A sad look was present on her face, her eyes following his every movement. He nodded his head in response, he let his tears run, he had to think twice about wiping them eventually he did. He felt feelings of his Sensei from her touch, she must of been upset about this also. He had no choice but to be strong. He rose with her from the couch and would follow her out and close the door behind him, forgetting his kunai. A serious expression was on his face, but a mixture sorrow made it layer of solidness thinner. Walking out of the house, Kiyomi waited till he would be next to her. Together they would walk towards the training field, number 2. On the way, Kiyomi wasn't sure what to say. Slowly, she placed a hand on Leo's shoulder, pushing him gently closer to him. Saying nothing, as there weren't any words needed, Kiyomi kept looking forward. She felt miserable for lying to Leo. But she would make up for that. She would try her best to help him. It was what Yumi would probably wanted as well. To see Leo grow and becoming a strong and independ person. And happy. [b]''I want you to know, that I don't want you to explain why you looked like you cried. Or why there is a wet spot on my jacket. If anything, just say that you have learned something. What I told you today is up to you decide if somebody else learns about this or not.''[/b] Kiyomi told him. They would be close near the fields. The walk was silent, he couldn't stop thinking about her, but he was all out of tears to cry. Being drawn closer, he felt his Sensei's warmth. The day was bright, but his mood didn't match the colour of the sky, it was a tornado in his a tornado of pride. He didn't feel vengeance, he forced himself to understand that it is the way of a ninja, to sacrifice ones self for their people, for their family and superiors. He didn't like it, but he'd have to abide by it. [b]" I accidentally split a bit of water over you."[/b] He said, pretending what happened at the house never happened. Nobody would know about the death of his sister, and nobody would know he cried. [b]''You did.''[/b] Kiyomi softly said as they neared the entrance of the field. With her heightened senses, she could pick up a familiar scent. [b]''Seems we need to wait just for the genins of Team 7 and Team Tun to meet up.''[/b] Kiyomi mumbled. She patted Leo's shoulder before she would let go of him. For a moment she wanted to throw a worried glance at Leo. She was aware that Hayate and Leo were good friends, but she didn't want to make Leo look weak. Gaining the idea that he wanted to look strong, she wouldn't be any soft on him during the mission. After the mission, she would try to do what she could to see if she could arrange something. Just something like a burial, so that he could say a proper goodbye to Yumi. It was one of the least things she could do for him. Entering the field, she saw Hayate. [b]''Looks who is early now.''[/b] Kiyomi mumbled, trying to sound amused. Leo followed into the training fields, he felt this was going to be a different missions, two teams on one mission, could this be a difficult one? He didn't want anything easy on him, he wanted to be treated like anyone else on the squad and he felt Kiyomi would go through with that, he wouldn't have to ask. His body was a little stiff, Kiyomi shouted to Hayate who must have came early, he forced a smile on his race towards Hayates direction. [/hider] (I'm back Baybay)