[i]Year 99 of the Cosmic Era. Through wars and devastation on all fronts, naturals and coordinators alike have achieved an uneasy peace. Rather than through an era of understanding, this peace is born from an era of fear. A new fragment of human evolution has arisen known by the Alliance and ZAFT as the Actualizer Threat. A human breed that through its actions has long manipulated the human race in an effort to bringing about a new war. In an effort to suppress the beginning of a new conflict, the independent military force has taken to the stars known as AERO to seek out the actualizers. 18 years have passed since the threat arose. At the turn of the new century, humanity faces a new conflict.[/i] The gray and blue AERO flagship the Terminus began to find its way miles outside the orbit of the space colony Port Two. On board the crew observed the activity within its range as the empty void of space offered only its quiet echoless void. The leader at the head of the flagship was reported by one of his officers, “Commander. We are approaching contact with the colony. Estimated time of arrival in 70 minutes.” The relatively war-weary High Commander and leader of AERO observed the flight pattern on the simulated path on their map ordering, “Maintain our current course. Wait for confirmation of clearance before we enter.” The officer next to him sighed briefly before speaking, “This will be an honor to view. I never did get the chance to see the Archangel in its time.” The Commander turned to smile when he reminded, “Your mother will be pleased to see you attend the ceremony Terzo.” Lieutenant Terzo Enran agreed to the offer when he decided, “Of course. I’ll be sure to greet Admiral Ramius on arrival.” One of the lower midshipmen observed the event out loud, “The history will be something to see. Last time I saw the Archangel in action I was just a girl.” “Thanks for sharing your age lady, keep observing those trajectory courses.” One of her fellow crewman nudged. Terzo focused his attention to the brig below when he ordered, “Ensign, leave the orders to higher officials.” The Ensign saluted lazily, “Yes sir.” When the order was maintained Terzo decided that now was his only chance to speak with his superior before they made the landing. “Permission to question freely sir?” The Commander stood from his seat when he ordered, “Follow me.” The two left the command room behind them and added to his offer, “Keep any high profile questions within these halls.” Terzo gave his first question asking, “Commander are we really just stopping in the colony to view the decommissioning ceremony?” The Commander turned to see he was alone with Terzo before answering, “We have a project that is currently being kept classified. Once the ceremony has ended it will be loaded onto the Terminus bay and we can begin our mission in sending it to the Alliance. That is our mission for right now.” Terzo showed more satisfaction in his face when he agreed, “I see. This ceremony is enough of a cover-up for the transport of the project sir?” “It will be designated as an equipment transfer. Civilians won’t be able to have access.” The Lieutenant pointed out the necessities, “Thankfully it will be. But still the Alliance and ZAFT will both have to provide resources to the project’s defense.” The Commander assured him of their wellbeing when he answered, ”The arrangements have been made. We won’t have an issue if the enemy appears.” “This is certainly a development. Is this project a weapon by any chance? One that will be effective against the Threat?” “We’re hoping it will be. It’s been reported a success and if that’s true we can use it as the blueprints for preparing against the next attack.” “We certainly have made a major step forward. If all goes as planned we might be able to signal this as the beginning of our technological progress.” The Commander was hesitant before he nodded agreeing, “I’d prefer that it not be done but if it will save lives then at least we will have something to prevent them from advancing again.” The Commander made his way further down the halls when he saluted. Terzo asked before he left, “Shall I assist you any further sir?” The Commander turned to decline, “I have to make sure final preparations are made personally. Keep watch of the bridge.” Terzo wasn’t willing to question the order when he accepted, “Yes sir. Reporting now.” The Commander entered one of the private quarters set at the front of the ship to be greeted with the view of a young teen who was laying on his bed with headphones attached to his music player. No doubt at maximum volume hoping to avoid hearing anyone. The Commander picked up the device and unplugged the headphones from the boy’s player. When the commander had his attention he asked, “Sousuke have you prepared for the departure?” Sousuke opened his eyes and asked irritated, “What? I have to get ready for it? Dad I’m not even part of this whole gig you got ready.” Unfortunately being the heedless son of Kira Yamato did not come with its privileges. This was a fact Sousuke learned several years ago but continued to display these feelings even to his current age. Kira sat next to Sousuke when he pointed out, “I’m not the one staging it Sousuke. It was a joint decision by the Earth leadership and ZAFT.” Kira gestured to the trunk at the foot of his bed instructing, “We’ll be docking in an hour and the suit is still in your trunk. Get it ready by then.” Sousuke remained defiant against the instructions when he declined, “Dad I just said I’m not part of your group. Why should I have to get ready for some formality that I don’t have anything to do with?” Kira maintained his patience when he explained to his son, “It’s how you’ll be receiving clearance to the Archangel’s brig where the personnel will be.” Sousuke could be heard more vocally across the halls when he stood up complaining, “Are you kidding? You’re making me go to some boring decommission and now I have to sit through it behind the curtains too?!” Kira remained seated when he answered, “You should be honored for the opportunity Sousuke. There aren’t many who will be allowed to ask Admiral Ramius about her career.” Sousuke pointed accusingly, “Dad, first off you wrote the report twice. And do you really think I care about what old people have to say about a war I don’t have a part in?” “You’re not at the age where you decide Sousuke. Even then you’ll be able to choose after serving two years of mandatory service in the ZAFT or Earth Alliance military Until then hearing from the wisest military leaders of our time will provide invaluable insight.” “Quit trying to force me dad! You’re the big time coordinator who ended the conflicts. What am I supposed to be doing all of this for?! Why do you keep dragging me all over the place just to get ready for some stupid war that’s not going to happen?!” Kira stood up and answered back to him in his sternest voice, “This decommissioning is something we both have to be on our best behavior for. If you have plans after becoming an adult that’s fine. Until then you’ll follow my instructions to the letter. Is that clear?” Sousuke didn’t bother arguing any further when he finally relented, “…Yes sir.” Kira exited the room attempting to hold his disappointment on the recent argument with his son when he commented to himself, “This is going to be a difficult time ahead for him.” Within the docking bays of Dock Two the Earth Alliance had prepared the ceremonial preparations of bidding farewell to the time of the Archangel. Among them was the former twice commander of said vessel now respected official observed the activities of the colony and its ongoing activity. She turned to the Archangel when she offered a prayer, “This will be your final mission Archangel. You’ve done us all proud.” She turned away from the old ship and made her way back to the main command center monitoring the shipping activities. Admiral Murrue Ramius observed the activities of the civilians from below and the mobile suits preparing for the decommissioning ceremonies. The Admiral heard one of the operators announce, “Admiral, we have sign of the AERO command ship heading this way.” Admiral Ramius agreed to the hail, “Patch them through.” Lieutenant Terzo was on the other line when he reported, “This is the Terminus requesting clearance for boarding. Repeat all personnel requesting clearance for Colony entry.” The Admiral smiled when she saw her adopted son and cleared, “We read you Terminus. You are clear to enter. We’ll greet you in hangar 4.” “Thank you Admiral. We are prepared for docking procedures.”