[b]Appearance: [/b][hider=Anime][img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/139/2/2/fefsdf_by_daenarys-d65vzze.png][/hider][hider=Realistic][img=http://thegirlwithadream.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/blackandwhiteglassesguyphotography-fa542cea05d897ee0882b26bd0e74d2e_h.jpg][/hider] [b]Height: [/b]6’0" [b]Build:[/b] Lithe [b]Eye & Hair Color: [/b]Aqua colored hair, hazel eyes [b]Body modifications: [/b]None, but always wears his signature cherry-red glasses [b]Full Name:[/b] Jason Glass [b]Nickname: [/b]None [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Mythical Being:[/b] TBA [b]Abilities:[/b] 1. Have not discovered 2. Have not discovered 3. Have not discovered 4. Have not discovered [b]Secret:[/b] To be revealed [b]Sexuality: [/b]Bisexual [b]Brief History & Behavior: [/b] When he was younger, Jason had a very mild temperament. He did what he was told, and didn’t question anything. He had a neighbor whom he adored immensely. She was the one who taught him how to have fun, bend the rules a bit, and just generally do whatever he wanted. It wasn’t as simple as playing little pranks on people they didn’t like. It was the rule breaking that gave them the rush; they loved to steal things even though they had everything they needed. It was never out of necessity, only pure boredom. Jason had a carefree life. He had everything he needed and everything he ever wanted. Soon enough, he fell in love with the girl next door. Of course, his parents, didn’t approve of this; they felt that she was poisoning his pure mind, and leading him astray from the path of obedience. After a short year, they moved away from this source of defilement, and Jason was devastated. He learned to maintain an obedient façade for his parents, but when they weren’t paying attention, he would revert back to his carefree nature. The acceptance letter from CTS was not a surprise to him. His family had a decent amount of influence, so he figured they had pulled some strings to get him in. To be perfectly honest, Jason never knew quite what it was that his parents did. He never asked. He assumed that they had high influence solely based on the wealth that they had accumulated; an opulent lifestyle generally equates to a powerful family. [b]+Traits: [/b] +Open Minded +Playful +Social +Flexible/Accommodating [b]-Traits: [/b] -Capricious -Relatively Hedonistic -Short Temper -Detached, Avoids Commitment [b]Theme Song:[/b][hider=Video][youtube]o0Q7dPwlOgw[/youtube][/hider]