[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/T8U523j.png][img=http://i.imgur.com/L9ii1om.png][/center] Selk had been enjoying his time with Sylla. She was his best friend, and he hers. There wasn't much Selk did without the grizzly bear he had taken to calling Sylla. And there wasn't much that Sylla did without Selk. They ate together, slept together, and spooked others together. It was a nice life, one that Selk enjoyed. But as he sat with Sylla, he found his mind wandering. Within the last few years, Selk had felt his life become more and more dull. He hardly had to spook others off, his new "home" being within Ragged Brotherhood territory and all. Selk's assignments were usually bleak and dull as well, easily accomplished with brute force provided by Sylla. Selk sighed a little at the thought, it was like he had retired. Retiring isn't something Selk had planned on, so the thought pained him. The First hadn't even asked him to go with the twin enforcers, which had offended Selk at the time. In fact, it still did. Selk pat Sylla on the back, and he found himself with a frown. In the time he and The First had known each other, they had gotten much done. But progress lately was slow. They've been playing defense since day one, focusing on bolstering their numbers while still being secretive. Selk yawned and lied on a soft patch of grass. He didn't close his eyes, he merely just stared at the canopy above. Selk wasn't mad about not going on a mission at all lately, technically he could do whatever he wanted within the Ragged Brotherhood. But not being given orders made him feel... old. Sylla sat next to Selk, not sitting, but she too stared at the sky. Her age was starting to show in the form of sleep. She slept a lot more often than she used to. She also ate more. But still, Selk frowned. How long had he known the Grizzly? Eighteen years was it? Selk let out a sigh of remorse. She'd be dead within the next few years, most likely. This bothered Selk, but not too much. He'd probably die within the next few years as well, considering his lifestyle. Selk closed his eyes once again, falling asleep once more. Sylla did the same. They'd do something later. For now, Selk and Sylla were content with being old.