[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/7F4aywJ.png[/IMG][/center] [center][b]Flashback [3 days after graduation][/b][/center] Eyes were intently staring at an aimless sight, seemingly towards a distant view bathed by the bright light of the late-morning sunshine. Her palms felt sweaty as she took a pleasant seat on a wooden bench located by several yards outside the academy's premises, waiting eagerly from what the phone call had promised. At first, Jyn knew the thought of remaining calm would be helpful in the process of waiting but as soon as a substantial amount of time was spent, being calm wouldn't be as advantageous as what she thought it would be. Instead of heaving thoughts of anxiety, Jyn shifted her gaze up towards the sky, mulling through how undoubtedly sublime the weather looked. She tilted her view only to take wondrous glimpses of clouds flocking high above. The sights of them alone was the one that helped Jyn feel at ease while patiently waiting, instead of pretentiously calming down. Several minutes later, a softclutter of what seemed to be as a car's engine sound sailed through Jyn's hearing. It quickly pulled her gaze away from her fascination with the clouds as she took a sharp glimpse of the vicinity where it was being heard from. Then her eyes slightly widened as an Audi a3 came into view from the northern road, running gradually at a slow speed as it was taking its aim for a parking location. Where there were no cars busily bustling by the particular section of the road, it was easy for Jyn to identify that it was Lance Greyson's car, though she couldn't be a hundred percent sure about it. After the car parked a few meters away from where Jyn was, both of the backseat's door opened simultaneously, revealing two adults assuming to be at their fifties. As they finally brushed away from their seats and stood up, they immediately saw the person whom they were expecting to see. However, Jyn was exaggeratedly jolted with shock as this certain part of the meet up wasn't clearly what she expected. Jyn stood from her seat and turned over in sight of her parents, waving both of her hands violently to express the joy she suddenly felt, though she must admit that there was a certain fickleness fluctuating from her spontaneous mood. Delighted smiles were drawn to both of her parents' faces as they too, exchanged waves with the same feeling being read from their shown expressions. Jyn took a jog towards the two adults then transitioned into a minor sprint as she was excited to talk to them and especially ask questions on how they ended up visiting even though Lance Greyson told that they were too busy to even give her a call. Jyn halted her abridged sprint as she closed in, panting a bit heavily while maintaining a smiling face towards her parents. Then as soon as she regained her normal breathing, the thoughts of questioning was the first matter that came into her mind. "Wait. You two. How?!" Jyn's frequent stutter made the two chuckle gleefully. "Slow down, Jyn. One at a time" Her father calmly demanded. Although a businessman, Gordon Greyson seemed to be colored very casually in terms of appearance. Certainly, it would be understandable if it was his day off but if ever Jyn would revolve through the man's multitude of capabilities, wearing a simple polo shirt would simply be an overestimation. The man was in his golden fifties and truth to be told, his appearance wasn't quite a compatibility to his age. It's as if he never aged unable to yet, transition to the baldness norm of a particular 50-year-old man. Jyn was still tensed with herself and the words waiting to be spoken from her mouth. She was afraid if there would be a possibility of asking the wrong questions. However, her mother's gentle caress to her shoulder instantly diminished those thoughts. "Questions later, dear. Right now, you're going to take lunch with us" The calmness of her voice was undeniably mesmerizing. The simple tone of it made Jyn utterly comfortable with her surroundings. But of course, before she wanted to talk, questions were but an obligation to ask and her mother's words wouldn't quite stop her from doing so. "Hold on for a second. Let's slow these all down shall we?" Jyn paused, sailing through the eyes of her parents before going back to thinking. "Lance told me you two were--" Before Jyn could finish her line, a blunt and audible hurl of the car's door beneath the driver's seat was heard behind, interrupting everything and everyone at once. Jyn was slightly startled but refused to turn her attention to it as she knew who caused it. "Hey Jinny!" a very familiar voice cried from behind, aggravating Jyn with a slight pinch of annoyance. "Lance! you didn't tell me this was going to happen" Jyn exclaimed, then turned to look at Lance Greyson. "I did tell you I have a surprise, so......Surprise!!" Jyn sighed, unable to cruise along with Lance Greyson's devious trick. "You really are an unpredictable kid." Shortly after, Lance joined beside his parents, then altogether took a firm glance at Jyn. "So...uh...yeah. This happened. They probably wanted to take you to lunch. But It wasn't one of my agreements, don't blame me." Lance said hurriedly, adding up to the confused expression Jyn was recently having. Still, her unyielding desire for answers remained but before she could even take another round for a hopefully successful question, Heather Greyson took her attempts away as she lent her hand on Jyn's shoulders gently. "We'll talk all of these when we get lunch. Alright? Now, I know you're really hungry from waiting our arrival, so we took reservations at a fancy restaurant just by the town." "Uh..I'm not exactly hungr---" "No No No...I mean, yes. Yes you are hungry and you're going inside the car right now." From Heather Greyson's gleeful expressions, Jyn could tell that there was actually a frightening side of her that she forgot to notice. Sighing, Jyn held herself and her questions, waiting for the perfect moment to ask them out completely. Before hopping inside of the car, Jyn took one final glare to Lance Greyson then shoved the backseat's door open leaving Lance in a sheepish grin. [center]---To be continued---[/center] [center][b]Battle 2[/b][/center] Even before the boat sprung into a mass of chaotic outburst, Jyn had expected the worst things in Norton City. But during the moment when the team was sent off flying, Jyn's heart raced through a life or death sequence, unknowing the possible fate she might encounter if ever she would land on the ground safely or directly sent adrift through the deep waters, down along with the erratic creature that attacked the vessel. However, she might reconsider on drawing her breath back after she landed safely with everyone else. For a moment, she felt relieved but as soon as multiple enemy soldiers were dispatched towards the team, the abridged time for relief was out of the question. Flicking through the knots of her wooden case, Jyn carried out her crossbow, fumbling a bit carelessly with her positioning. However, she was uncertain of where she would place herself as she haven't clearly caught the captain's order for the battle. Moments after, Jyn dropped the wooden case and pointed the scope of her crossbow to one of the storm Guard's range, hopefully heeding a warning to not move an inch closer. While no other enemy guards were drawn to Jyn, she took a quick notice of how the others were doing, thinking about any possible way to aid them. She took a short glimpse of Emily and Roy and then after a bellowing impact which seemed to draw Jyn's attention towards the area of origin, her eyes were widened at the sight of Olivia falling to the ground. Uncertain, Jyn decided to rush to her aid with little time spared, however before she could even carry her attempts, a nearby Storm Guard (Beta) swung his elbow to jab Jyn on the back, bringing her down to the ground abruptly. Jyn grunted, brushed herself from the dirt sideways then rolled to take clear view of the Storm Guard (Beta) who was already pointing his gun directly at her. She was unable lift her crossbow as her right arm (as well as the other) were pinned down by the Storm Guard's (Beta) feet, restraining her abilities to make an attack. Jyn tried to use her strength to release her arms but the force restrained was just heavy. Then, distorting whispers smeared inside her mind but in the current situation, such things wouldn't be of any use. However, as the whispers grew audible in her thoughts, Jyn realized it was something her spirits were conversing. There was a sudden exhilaration flowing entirely through her body, like she was rapidly gaining strength from an invisible matter. Afterwards, her right arm felt incredibly lighter and as soon she realized it was enough to lift herself, Jyn shoved the Storm Guard's (Beta) feet away from her arms, making the guard fall down the ground. Jyn tossed herself away, rolling quickly to regain her standing. As the Storm Guard stood from his fall, Jyn pointed her weapon at the enemy's range, cautiously loading a few bolts to the crossbow's cockpit. Her spirits whirled a visible matter at her feet and at her arms. Then as the Storm Guard held his gun to trigger a shot, Jyn vaulted with a flashing speed, winding at a near spot where the Storm Guard's gun haven't pointed. Aiming, Jyn targeted the guard's right arm where the gun was held, sending a bolt to roar with the wind then pierced the target's arm successfully. She repeated the same process in her second move, springing at a rapid pace to another location, then aiming for the other arm. Once successfully hit, Jyn moved at a close range right behind the target, then fired the third and final shot to the Storm Guard's back before delivering a kick to force him to the ground. Jyn was quite certain the guard wasn't heavily damaged since the armor they wore was fortifying their own defenses. However, it was enough for Jyn to buy some time for aid to deliver. After the Storm Guard (Beta) went down, Jyn vaulted to her estimated location which was probably the center of where the battle was taking place. Afterwards, she began to channel the energies from the spirits of time. Thin wisps of visible energies circled around her, releasing constant wave surges throughout the zone then levitating above. The flows of energy formed a makeshift dome that turned visible every few seconds, covering up a large radius of the combat field. Shortly after the channeling, a loud thunderous roar erupted, causing the visible dome to disintegrate into circular matter rapidly flowing their way towards Jyn and the rest of her companions. Once the circular matters attached themselves to their destined partner, their movements started to shift. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgNGtGI-XbM]*[/url] "Hey guys!!!" Jyn shouted, attempting to make her statement clear. "What you're seeing beside you will make you all extremely fast. However, those things will last only for a short period of time. So be careful!" [hider=Summary]-Jyn was attacked and jabbed by Storm Guard (Beta) from behind -Jyn attacked Storm Guard (Beta) thrice with her crossbow, hitting the the guard's arms and back then delivering a kick while concurrently moving at three different directions at rapid speed enhanced by her spirits. -Jyn enhanced everyone with super speed. The effect will last only for a few minutes. (Duration can be extended if Jyn attempts a second channel which requires more time)[/hider]