[img=http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Quentin&name=scriptina.ttf&size=40&style_color=15155E] EH HEH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! See, Quentin was just cowering. And throwing up. He wasn't trying to, he was just a big wimp. He tasted his own vomit. Ugh. Tasted like Mexican. A quesarito. Where in the fuck do they come up with these things? Quesadilla and a burrito mixed together. It tasted terrible, but then again, the aftertaste was bad too, even on the original quesarito. But then again, even though he threw up, Mexican was so good initially. He was in the fetal position, crying and throwing up, rinse and repeat. Wait, what? They were getting fucking dropped off. Oh. No. Nonononononono. Fuck me, fuck that. L-L-L-L-L-LEVEL DOOOOOOOWN, SOOOON! Maybe they were near land? Pfft, yeah. Feet below you. I mean, come on? This ain't no Signal. These guys are serious. "Where's my yoyo....oh god..." BLEEEAAARGH. Oh, wonderful onomatopoeia, Yahoo!Answers. But, yeah. He threw up, and then felt his yoyo. 'Tie it on...' He thought, typing his middlefinger to it. Yeah. He held it into his palm, until he was sucked to the bottom of the cabin. "Oh god no...oh god please no. NO! NOOOOOOOOO!" He tried to hold on, but got kicked by another student being sucked in. An NPC student, mind you. A random one. "I HATE YOU GUUUUYS!" DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUN DA DUN. He was falling backwards, seeming to be a platform for students. Shoe on the face, one on the dick, one in the abdomen. Obviously. Soon enough, he realized he could use his yoyo to grapple onto the tree and swing. So, he launched it. Almost like 24 feet, it looked like. It wasn't, but it really looked that way. His scarf was blowing away, so he tugged on it while swinging towards his yoyo. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" This, my friends, was caused by his idiotic parents. They just had to praise him, to teach him how to fight. They made this happen. HE WAS ALMOST GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF HIS PARENTS. Now that, my friends, is the definition of shitty parents. Uuuuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhh. Soon enough, he was going like a windmill, like in the Sonic games, except they didn't exist here. He soon was hanging from a tree branch. "Ummm...what?" He asked, before tugging and falling off, almost faceplanting. But, he didn't, because, then he would be even more injured. He hit the ground on his back. It was dirt, so it didn't hurt as much. There were just a few rocks, making him even more injured still. He stood up, and tried to unty his yoyo. Instead of that, he got tangled up much, much more than he was before. But, for this RP, the yoyo got untied and spun around him several times, before getting launched towards a random tree. Wow. [b]"So... I'm assuming we're now partners?"[/b] "WAAAGH!" Quentin yelled, launching up onto a tree, clinging onto it. "WHY IS A MONSTER TRIYING TO BE PARTNERS WITH MEEEEEEEEEE!" He yelled, still shaking from the encounter. He didn't realize that it was a fellow human, and wasn't any time soon, unless he was told. Though, he'd still remember his partner as 'The Monster,' and cower in fear when he saw 'The Monster' every day.