[b][center]Alexander Lanicaster the Third[/center][/b] [center]Tordred Maze -> Sapphire Dorm -> Grand Hall[/center] A green haired man stood within the fog of the Tordred Maze. His features almost completely hidden by the white haze that covered the area. Axel stood motionless as he scanned the maze. He has spent many nights in that maze and he could tell that it was changing. Just like the crumbling exterior of the school, the already eery forest was beginning to grow and warp. Roots had begun to grow large thorns, and the forest walls had grown higher. Axel let out a long sigh, and then moved up to the entrance and laid his hand on one of the trees. It’s branches, over the years, have twisted and turned to look like a tree like claw was sprouting out of the trunk and reaching down at you. Axel looked up at the terrifying branch, and smiled. He didn’t smile because of the tree had just happened to look at, but at the slight footsteps in the distance. Axel moved away from the tree and took a few steps away from the entrance of the maze and waited for his visitor. He doesn’t get many visitors whenever he is out by the maze. The most company he ever got was a few unruly students looking to smoke a cigaret. He hated that type of company. In his opinion, it proved fruitless to have a conversation with people who were stupid enough to destroy their lungs just to feel more relaxed. Axel knew this wasn’t that type of visitor though, he has heard these footsteps before. It wasn’t long before Lumen, the raven haired beauty of CTS, emerged from the shadows. Axel wasn’t even able to say his greetings before she started talking business. [i]“Axel, you will be attending the masquerade ball I imagine? The Headmistress will need your assistance more than ever presently.” she said with her usual stern tone.[/i] Axel smiled at Lumen and gave a small chuckle. [b]“It’s good to see you too Lume-Lume. I will be attending the masquerade, yes. I haven't missed any of the the masquerades since I arrived at CTS and I don’t expect to miss it now,”[/b] He gave a small pause to see if Lumen would react, but moved on without seeing any reaction, [b]“I also know that the Headmistress will be needing our help. It seems her condition has only gotten worse.”[/b] He said in his usually laid back tone. [i]“To be quite honest I have tried to cancel this silly gathering numerous times…She just doesn't seem up to the task.” After folding arms in ire she looked away for a moment before clearing her throat to continue,“Either way, you’ll be staying in the Sapphire dorm, and you will behave yourself.”[/i] His smile faded as Lumen began to command how he should act around his new victims. He gave a small sigh and then gave Lumen a large grin. [b]“You have nothing to worry about Lume-Lume. I promise I won’t make this new batch of freshman frequent visitors to the Psych Ward this time.”[/b] He said in an almost gleeful tone. He loved to mess around with the people around him. It gave him a form of entertainment that no one else would understand. Axel looked behind him and gave the Tordred Maze one last look over, and began to walk away. [b]“As for the Headmistress, you know how stubborn she can be. That old goat won’t let anything stand in her way when it comes to CTS. Let’s just be patient with her, and maybe we can convince her to rest for a while after her speech,”[/b] Axel stopped and turned around to face Lumen, [b]“I know I’m not the type of person to say this, but lets have a little faith that she can make this speech without any altercations. I would hate for her to lose her image as the strong and proud headmistress of CTS because of a silly old cold,”[/b] Axel hated showing his caring side, and Lumen was the only one to ever see it, [b]“Anyway! I should probably go and introduce myself to my new victi-- I mean roommates. I hope you’ve been practicing your steps cus’ I’m gunna school you on the dance floor tonight Lume-Lume…. See ya then.”[/b] He said as he turned back around and walked into the male dormitories. He made his way up the stairs, sauntered up to the Sapphire dorm door, and opened the door. He walked in and yelled, [b]“Oh Lucy! I’m home~!”[/b] He was disappointed to find that no one was there, and that his decades old reference was completely wasted. He looked around the room and noticed that someone had already arrived and left. He assumed they left for the ball, but he wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t the case. He walked over to his room, and slipped into his [url=https://slm-assets0.secondlife.com/assets/3397/lightbox/mkt-levant-r-01.jpg?1275693623]suit[/url] and [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/104/5/a/masquerade_mask_1_by_jedi_with_wings-d4w5dbu.jpg]mask[/url]. He liked the mask, but his suit seemed a little too much for his tastes. He looked at himself in the mirror and shrugged. He knew that the suit looked good on him. The CTS staff has never made a mistake in that department. After a minute of faked self adoration, Axel moved away from the mirror, grabbed his black fedora, and left the dorm. He needed to go practice some dance moves since he challenged Lumen to a dance contest and had absolutely no skills to back it up. He reached the Grand Hall at around 9:15 and was surprised to see only a few people had already arrived. He walked passed a man swearing under his breath as he was trying to secure the mask onto his head. Axel stopped and looked at the man. He began to chuckle at the man and then said, [b]“Hey, buddy. You need some help with your mask? Those ribbons can be a pain in the butt sometimes.”[/b]