[center][b]Reyna Azuma Kumo - Team 13[/b][/center] Things were getting difficult quickly. Every second wasted was another second that the poison would be affecting Deidara and Midori, and that wasn't something that Reyna could allow. She noticed the water butterfly attack that the sparrow had just managed to avoid, and realized that Deidara must be with her now. A sense of relief flooded through her, and Reyna surged forwards attempting to catch Michi once again. Before she could launch another attack however, the bird dove into a large crowd of people. Reyna paused, cursing to herself. There was no way that she would be able to find Michi in that crowd... Realizing once again that she wasn't alone, Reyna quickly came up with an idea. [b]"Deidara-san, please watch the area above the crowd and be prepared to strike if you see Michi come up. I... I am going to try and drive him out. We will have to be quick though, that sparrow seems to have more than a few tricks up its feathers."[/b] She didn't bother turning to look for her teammate. Reyna already knew that he was more than capable of handling himself. Looking out over the crowd, she hesitated for only a moment. What she was about to do would not hurt anyone... at least not seriously. But it would definitely stun the bird if it hit him. Closing her eyes so that it didn't feel like she was about to launch an attack at a crowd of innocent people, Reyna steeled herself for what she would have to do to save her friends. Gathering her Lightning Aura, Reyna built up a steady current. She had to be careful here. If she made it too strong, it would actually hurt the people in the crowd, and that would be far worse than anything that she wanted. However, if she made it too weak, it would not spread throughout the crowd, and Michi would be able to escape with the antidotes. Focusing intensely, Reyna approached the crowd and spread her arms. Suddenly, a current of light blue lightning shot out from all around her. It travelled immediately to the people in front of her and, to her relief, began arcing out throughout the crowd. The lightning formed a sort of net that would travel throughout the area, using the people as conductors. She had managed to tone down the strength of the current so that all it would feel like to most people would be a small pinch, followed by a tingling numbness. The current would have a much stronger effect on the small sparrow however, as the creature was small enough that the concentrated lightning would hopefully be enough to stun it entirely. That all relied on the current actually managing to hit the bird though, and Reyna only hoped that her spontaneous plan would work. If it failed... If the sparrow managed to evade the lightning... Reyna didn't want to think about that. For now she would focus on controlling the current, and trust that Deidara would keep an eye out for Michi if the bird surfaced above the crowd.