Ace was right, Anna noted mutely. This place was magnificent. For the first time, an uncomfortable feeling of unease manifested in Anna's stomach but she pushed it away almost immediately. She didn't want to see faults in the beauty all around her, and was probably just projecting her own negativity onto it. She tended to do that sometimes, but had learnt to recognise the foreshadowing and usually could stop it in its tracks. She dropped the white material she'd been holding as they went inside, away from the mud and dirt of the grounds, and it swept the floor, gliding noiselessly, fluttering every now and then with the soft breezes that blew in from the windows. This place was almost certainly too good to be true. As Anna looked around at the rest of the people there, all dressed grandly, and some dressed eccentrically. Here and there, Anna saw a brightly coloured suit or an outrageous dress mixed into the cocktail of elegance and grace. Glancing behind her at the cool, inviting night with it's fresh air and beautiful, lush gardens, Anna was tempted to leave the party, avoid the temptation to make small talk with people she didn’t know yet, all the while trying to be her best self in front of them. She would have to pull out all the stops tonight and be the socialite she was raised to be. She set back her shoulders and raised her chin slightly, her hair a magnificent shower of chocolate and mahogany tones, racing down her exposed back and stopping before the little dimple at the base of her spine where the material of her dress was knit together. They passed two boys, one of which seemed to be having trouble with his mask, while the other tried to help him with it. Anna's lips quirked upwards in a tentative but genuine smile and she gave them a subtle tilt of her head in greeting, but didn’t interrupt their interaction. [b]"Is there anything to drink?"[/b] She wondered aloud, running her hand up and down her arm, a particularly cold breeze catching her.