Seulki flew. She had the ability to fly faster than the other dragons, but her wings felt heavy, as if weighed with stone. How long had it been? Three, maybe four hours? It felt like an eternity. She was exhausted and tired; her mind in swirls of confusion. The silence was overwhelming and Seulki just wanted out. However, she had to keep moving, less the humans catch wind of the large group. Within moments, a few dragons swooped down, their wings tired. Seulki would have liked to go farther, but the hatchlings needed rest. She sharply turned, spotting an Aramoor dragonelle settling down on some grass, obviously keeping watch for humans. It was then when she decided to keep watch as well. The young Wimborne glided near the dragonelle, cautiously planting herself near her as her wings folded back. She was going to respectfully keep her distance and keep watch. However, loneliness and sadness got the best of her. She scooted closer to the Aramoor, her silver scales brushing against copper. Without really noticing it, she had started to [i]pruum[/i]. Within moments, Seulki had already drifted off into a weak sleep.