I'm willing to go as AU as need be. Besides, if the main focus is a relationship, I prefer to focus on that relationship, and have everything else take a backseat. But, if you're not to into GoT role play's at the moment, we can do something else. I can see Tenzin x Lin possibly working out. So, if you'd like, we could push off Pema's involvement. I've actually heard Pema called a homewrecker for that advice! While I think calling her a homewrecker a little excessive, I'm not a big fan of that particular bit of wisdom. I'd be willing to work with the Time Turner route. Alternatively, what if we postponed the final battle. We could say that Voldemort decided that he needed more time to gather his strength before his final assault. That could also provide a suitable environment for Hermione x Former Teacher. We could also use Grimauld place as the central setting, seeing as it's the Order's safe house.