[center][b]Team 8's little trip.~ Aiko's lesson! Part I A surprise?![/center][/b] [center]Summary : Knowing the diversity of her team, Aiko has thought of a way to make her students bond. They are set on hunting down a missing rogue. After that they would head to a small village that had been destroyed during the Great War. The start of Aiko's lesson begins now![/center] [hider=Team 8!] Sighing, Aiko ran a hand through her hair. She was dressed in her jounin attire and was standing on a trainingfield. Number 20 or something. Not really sure, but she had made sure that the correct number would be on the notes. Pipi would deliver them, though her summoning and dog had reminded her that meant he would be free of any duties for the next few days. Aiko had agreed with that, because she didn't had much plans to make use of the dog for the coming days. Looking at her right, she saw the few backpacks she had prepared. Though she wished to stay in the village, they had a mission and with a full team, Aiko rather wanted to make sure that they would get some experience together instead of seperated. Koike had received the note and hadn't wasted too much time on preparing himself. With a rather neutral look, he calmly walked towards the meeting point. The boy was simply dressed as usual and only wondered what the team would do today. Not that he was that much interested in his team members as he had remembered how the last meeting had went. Not particular the best one he had experienced. Arriving on the field, Koike's right gloved hand came out of his pocket as he briefly waved in Aiko's direction. [b]''Good morning, Aiko-sama.''[/b] Keiko greeted her, shoving his hand back into the pocket of his pants, much like his other hand. The note arrived like Aiko said it would the other day, with a smile, she quickly prepped herself for training. Making sure that she had all her equipment ready to go before darting out the window that she always kept open. Running as fast as she could to the designated training field and coming to halt rather sloppily in front of Koike and Aiko-Sensei. A big smile on her face as she looked Aiko-Sensei and a small laugh at the memory of the private training they had just the other day. Turning her gaze to Koike, a look of disapproval crossed her face before a flat sounding [b]"hello,"[/b] came out of her mouth which was turned down into a frown. Katsu had the note from Aiko-sensei stuffed into his pocket, crumpled in such a way that it would be impossible to read what was written on it. A small part of his sabre's blade was sticking out of its sheath, ready to fall out at any time. He ran across the rooftops, nervous and excited. He would finally meet his new teammates, which of course gave him joy, but he didn't want the first thing they learned about him to be that he was tardy. After several minutes, he found the right training grounds and ran up to the group, a warm smile on his face. [b]"Good morning, sensei,"[/b] he saluted her. He looked over to the other two and his smile widened. [b]"Hi! I believe I'm your new teammate,"[/b] he said with a warm tone. [b]"My name's Katsu. Nice to meet you!"[/b] And there they were. All together now. Aiko waited with greeting back until they were all there. Like expected, they came and greeted each other like she had anticipated. [b]''Good morning everybody. Good to see everybody is on time. There is much to actually discuss, but we don't have too much time. It is because we have a mission outside of Konohagakure.''[/b] Aiko explained as she also gestured to the backpackes. [b]''Each of you needs to carry one. I take it that each of you will properly introduce yourself to the newest member while following my lead.''[/b] Aiko finished her sentence while turning half around. She would wait until they had picked up a backpack. Then she would pick up a reasonable pace for the genins to follow. A newcomer? Koike briefly eyed the new genin, Katsu, before he nodded back. He then turned his attention back to Aiko, who told them that they had a mission. Actually something he liked. Hopefully a mission on which he could test one or two of his techniques instead of just training them against a shadow clone. Walking towards a backpack, he picked one up without complaining or asking questions. He had noticed that Aiko wasn't carrying one and that there were only three. But Koike wouldn't start on that. [b]"Hey! It's nice to meet you too, Katsu. I'm Yukara,"[/b] Yukara said, cheerily as she out of no where decided to hug Katsu. It was likely surprising, her attitude towards both her team mates differed on the spectrum, one she liked and the other she did not particularly care for. She went to get a bag to carry, easily picking it up as she bounced on the balls of her feet excitedly about this mission. She smiled at Katsu and went to stand by him for a moment as she waited for Aiko-Sensei to head off at the pace she wanted. Katsu was slightly confused when Yukara hugged him but the smile on his face widened when he saw that his new teammate was friendlier than he'd expected. When she went to pick up the backpack, he followed suit and lifted the third one. He pushed the sabre down completely and put the bag on his back. He smiled back at her and glanced ahead, glancing at his other, nameless teammate. He hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not he should go and talk to him but decided not to. He decided to stick with Yukara and mimic her, hoping that he wouldn't screw up on his first day. They went on the reasonable pace and after some time would head out of the main gate of the Leaf. From there, Aiko seemed to lower the pace as she looked over her shoulder. Gesturing them to stick closer, she started to brief them on the mission. [b]''This isn't just an ordinary mission. There is a rogue nin who has caused some minor trouble that we need to deal with. I also am going to take you three to visit an important site.''[/b] She told them. Picking up the pace again, she then instructed them something else. [b]''It is about the Great War. Lets make it interesting. I want each of you to sum up something that had happened back or an important person's name.''[/b] Aiko ordered them with her usual friendly tone. Koike briefly thought as he followed Aiko. This did piqued his interest as he found it interesting to learn more about that particular time. Seeing that his clan had participated, he decided to go first with answering Aiko's newest instruction. [b]''The Great War was around fourteen years ago. Back then almost every village only had seen two kages. The war started with small skirmishes and a few months later began in fullest form.''[/b] Koike summed up. He could tell more, but decided against it. Koike had no interest in becoming the best story teller or talk too much. [b]"Cool, we should go faster to get there faster! What do you think, Katsu?"[/b] Yukara asked, turning her smile towards her Uchiha friend. They were going to deal with a rouge ninja, she could work on her new jutsu on him and improve it hopefully. Also, it was a chance to show Aiko-Sensei that she was just as useful as someone with a lot more offensive moves, she would be the best Medical Nin. [b]"The Great War was during the reign of Daiskue, from what they told us in the Academy, had his students control the defenses,"[/b] she said, looking to her sensei happily. Katsu nodded. [b]"Yup! I'm looking forward to seeing this place,"[/b] he said, grinning. He turned to Aiko-Sensei and thought for a moment. [b]"Er... I remember reading about a war-hero called Jinkama Moto, the second hokage's student,"[/b] he said. [b]"He'd ended the war by killing the second Mizukage, not to mention that he was also the killer of the first mizukage."[/b] He kept looking forward as he spoke as if he wasn't talking to anyone in particular. Aiko smiled briefly, but it wasn't a happy one. Not that her students would see it as she would keep focus on where they were heading to. [b]''All of you are correct.''[/b] It was noticable that they had started talking about the Second Kages. Aiko thought about something as she would ask them a question. [b]''The Second Hokage was most of the time not on the front lines. What would you have done as the Hokage during that troubled time?''[/b] Aiko asked. He thought about it. Koike didn't desire to become the next Hokage. He already knew somebody else that was better for that position. And a lot more motivated to reach for it. Still he would answer the question at his best. [b]''I think I would have done the same. A leader isn't supposed to lead his troops on the battlefield like some idiot that wants to parade his might. The best leaders are those who can make the right decisions while being there for the people.''[/b] Koike said. Briefly he thought about what he knew more about the subject, but became silent again to let his team members answer Aiko's question as well. [b]" I am sure that if it were me, I would have been fighting to protect the people because in a way, that means being there for them. It would also motivate the people fighting in the war on our side to try harder," [/b] Yukara said. Still keeping up with the pace, she looked around and observed the area, she had never been outside of the village before. Always being one to explore new areas, this made the mission all the more exciting to her and not to mention it was her first one as a genin. Katsu was quite hesitant before answering. He was afraid that his answer could give them a wrong idea about him. [b]"I... I probably would've stayed back as well,"[/b] he answered. [b]"The reason is that... Well, having the leader go into battle is a very dangerous gamble. Konohagakure wasn't in a need to risk the entire war just to motivate the soldiers further. Kirigakure lost when their Kage was killed, which happened because the Second decided to fight. Such measures should only be taken when there's no other choice."[/b] He thought of talking a bit more but decided that this was all he needed to say. It was really interesting to see the genins talk about what they would have done in the place of Daisuke. As a clan leader, Aiko was aware that you had to take decisions that weren't always fun to make. But to be the Hokage during such a time would have been way worse, having to decide decisions that would shape the future of the entire country. [b]''Well spoken, each of you.''[/b] Aiko said. She wasn't going to say who was right and who wasn't. It was their own personal decision and opinion. [b]''What more can you tell me about the time during the reign of the Second Hokage?''[/b] Still following Aiko's lead, Koike thought again about the question. This was one he could really easily answer. Deciding to answer it, he would leave space open for the other two as it was likely something they really didn't know about. [b]''During the reign of the Second, more clans outside of Konohagakure allied themselves with the Leaf. Most of the time it wouldn't mean that they would gain a compound inside of the Leaf, but that they would aid Konohagakure in exchange for something.''[/b] Koike said. Thinking briefly about his own clan, he became silent again. This question was slightly harder for Yukara to answer, as it was something that she did not find all that interesting and thus did not really study that much on. [b]"Zakito Hon, he killed the first and second Kazekage during this time. There was another organization that was still causing some trouble..."[/b] Yukara said, although her reply sounded strained and not as sure as the first two. She sighed, shrugged and kept on going at the pace still. Katsu looked over at Yukara curiously. Another organization... He noted it down in his mind and thought for a bit, trying to construct an idea of what he could talk about. [b]"Well... He was quite successful during the war, wasn't he?"[/b] he said, hoping it could pass as an answer. [b]"Perhaps that was why he was assassinated. The enemy might've thought that he was the driving force behind Konohagakure's power. The conditions in Konoha were probably much better than most of the other villages."[/b] Aiko was silent for some moments. She was thinking about how to respond to her students. Koike was right about that it was during the time of the Second Hokage that more clans allied themselves to the Leaf, thus increasing the military strength of the Leaf. Yukara's answer was right as well, with naming the Third having killed two Kazekage during that time. The slight mentioning of an organization however made Aiko frown. But it was probably just the rumours that already existed back in that time. Katsu's response was a good one as well and made Aiko ask them another question. [b]''Who could say that? Just because we were one of the few that managed to not suffer too much, we ended up losing the Second Hokage as well. The time after that, I recall that we weren't doing that great against the enemy.''[/b] Aiko told them. Now it was time to slowly shift to a time after the war. [b]''But seeing that Yukara mentioned him, the Third Hokage was the one that managed to keep some peace in the Fire Country after the war. What would have you done in his place? Keep the peace or reap the benefit from the weakened countries?''[/b] That question was slight harder to answer. Koike stayed silent for a brief time. His uncle had managed to keep the peace, but he was unsure if it was without any force. Koike briefly eyed the back of his sensei as he wondered what she was trying to achieve with this. It didn't really sound like they were bonding as a team, much as he had anticipated from his sensei. [b]''I am not sure. While the others are weak, it would be the perfect time to reap the benefits and get stronger by grabbing more land. At the same time, it would result in that the Fire Country would become the target of everybody's hatred and dislike, meaning that if such a thing would've happened we would know more wars.''[/b] Koike said, still thinking what he would have done. Probably the same as his uncle. [b]"I would keep the peace, after the war I think it would be better to focus on strengthening the structure of the village rather than gain more land. If you don't have a steady and stable structure to the village, then gaining more land wont do anything if we cant keep it under control,"[/b] Yukara said, she didn't need to think about it. Structure is important, it's what makes everything run smoothly. Thinking that these questions were getting boring and that she would rather be fighting that rouge ninja instead. [b]"Hey Aiko-Sensei, how much further is it?"[/b] she asked. [b]"I would try to keep a friendly relationship with other countries, perhaps even with their leaders, in order to make it personal so that it would be much less possible to have any large conflicts with them,"[/b] he said, smiling almost naively. He felt the backpack he was told to carry, hoping to get an idea of what was inside. He gave up after a few seconds and looked over at Aiko-Sensei, waiting for the answer to Yukara's question which he was almost sure all of them were eager to hear. [b]''So you all would have kept the peace?''[/b] Aiko mused as she would continue to lead them. But instead of continue the subject, she would briefly look at Yukara over her shoulder. [b]''It is some distance away. But we were are making some good progress.''[/b] Aiko said. Then she would pick up the pace a little bit. Not that she was in a hurry, but if they wanted to reach the place faster, she wouldn't mind to pick the pace a bit. [b]''But while I agree to keep the peace, I can't help but to notice one thing. You speak all about keeping peace, but what if there are groups of people that don't feel like following a peaceful time? People who have seen loved ones die right in front of them or lose siblings due the war? What if others desire to avenge the losses they had suffered during the conflict?''[/b] Aiko asked. This time her tone seemed off, a bit colder and more harsh. Lowering his head a bit, as he would keep up, Koike thought about it. He knew the pain of losing somebody very close to him. Clenching his right hand to a fist, he took a moment to think about it. Personally, he would respect and understand those people. But revenge wasn't a path that he would follow. [b]''I would try to keep those people under control. A leader is there to ensure the safety of their people, meaning sometimes to keep his own people in check. It isn't something respectable, but I would use anything to prevent the outbreak of such a huge conflict. It would only... lead to more losses.''[/b] Koike said. He disliked to openly reveal such thoughts, but he would do as Aiko had told them. To openly answer her questions. [b]"I think that those who have lost loved ones, should honor the sacrifices made and try to nicely quiet the people who would try to upset the peace. I think a leader needs to be able to understand the pain of those who lost loved ones but keep them in line at the same time,"[/b] Yukara answered. She did not know if she could handle losing a loved one, if her mother or father were to die, she would be utterly lost. It was something that she did not wish to dwell on for much longer as the thought scared her. Katsu smiled at the question. [b]"Well... People who think like that are what I would call 'irrational'. Both sides suffer losses during war. Few shinobi kill the other knowing their names. If there was a group who, in the worst case scenario, were willing to revolt against the village simply to get 'revenge' on some other village, I wouldn't see any problem in suppressing the group in any way possible. While I'd like to do it without any killing, if bloodshed was absolutely necessary, I would have them killed discretely and probably lie to the rest of the village,"[/b] he answered quite calmly. [b]"If it means avoiding conflict with other countries at the cost of the lives a couple of people who would willingly risk the safety of the village, there's nothing wrong with killing them. To maintain peace, someone with as many responsabilities as a hokage must make decisions others simply can't."[/b] Now she didn't say anything in regards of what her students had told her. Not just because it was their own answer, but she had a meaning with it. [b]''We should be nearly there. It is still some distance, but I know a shorter route.''[/b] Aiko told them. Picking up the pace even more, she would only look over her shoulder briefly. The woman wondered about her genins for a moment, until she would give them a new order. [b]''We will go in the manji formation. Koike, you at the back. Katsu, you at the right and Yukara, you will be at the left. Keep your earphones on.''[/b] After those orders, Aiko would keep up the high pace without explaining why. A bit surprised, Koike wouldn't let it be noticed. Without nodding or saying anything, Koike would fall back into his position. His right hand briefly went to the scabbard on his back that had his blade sheathed. Then the hand would go to the earphone communicator. He kept his attention on the surroundings as he would try to keep any surprises away if they would be attacked. [b]''In position, Aiko-sama.''[/b] Koike mumbled. Yukara did not say much in response, she just gave a thumbs up and got herself in the right position silently. Picking up on the change of pace as well but still having no problem keeping up, as she glanced at Katsu before giving him a hopefully encouraging smile before looking back to the front. Making sure that her earphones were turned on and working properly. Katsu smiled and ran off to the right after the other two had disappeared from sight. He heard Koike speak from the earphones, confused by why he'd called their sensei Aiko-Sama. He shook the thought away and continued running until he reached a favorable point. He climbed up to a small tree and hid in its leaves, his sabre in his hand. He raised his free hand to his hieadpiece and spoke hesitantly. [b]"In position..."[/b] he mimicked his teammate. It seemed they were able to get in formation in a good pace. With the formation formed, Aiko would lower the pace a little bit. They were still making some good progress, but it wasn't like the sight would be that close. The planned ruins were near the border of the Fire and River country, around a day or two travelling. Aiko decided to head to another place that would maybe show the genins that war wasn't a fun subject to talk about. While thinking about it, she had noticed something. [b]''Okay, listen up. I want each of you to keep following the directions to the north. We should be close to the location of where the missing nin was last spotted.''[/b] Aiko slowed down as she would turn around to glance at her team. A plan came up, a good one actually. [b]''Everybody listening?''[/b] She asked, making use to also see what each of her students was thinking. It was pretty clear that the situation was becoming much more serious than before. Koike came to a halt, yet keeping a position that he had been ordered to. With Aiko briefing them a bit about the situation, he made use of the time to check his gear for a last time. To see if he had packed everything as he always did. It would be a drag if he would have forgot some important items he often used. [b]''I am.''[/b] He simply replied with a neutral tone, looking at his sensei. He was wondering what the woman was planning. [b]"Sure thing, Aiko-Sensei,"[/b] Yukara said. Again she picked up on the change of pace, slowing it to match that of her sensei and keeping her eyes open for anything suspicious. She was ready to deal within this rouge ninja, teach him a lesson and then go see the sight that Aiko-Sensei mentioned. She began to hum quietly to herself, also noticing the change of atmosphere within her team as well but hopefully they could still have fun. [b]"Same here,"[/b] Katsu spoke. He was curious as to what their sensei was planning, especially since she was speaking quite vaguely... Why would the missing-nin, who probably knew he was being hunted, remain where he was last seen? Perhaps they were going there to look for clues. [b]''Good. Now listen up. I want that each of you stick together while I will need to search for something. It would be safer if we would do it as a team, but with the earphones, we wouldn't need to stick together as I will hear if something goes wrong. That said, I will go that way.''[/b] Aiko pointed to their west. [b]''While you keep on going north. Stay together and with my absence, Koike will be appointed to lead you all. Got that?''[/b] Aiko asked, crossing her arms as she eyed her students with a soft smile. A frown appeared on Koike's face. As much as he felt good for the trust that Aiko had in him, by naming him the leader of the three while she would be gone, he didn't really feel like it. It meant he would need to order the other two around as he saw fit. And already he felt like it would be asking for trouble. If it was one problem, he wasn't really planning to bond with them and it seemed already that Yukara didn't had a liking for him either. [b]''If you think that is best, Aiko-sama.''[/b] Koike mumbled. He would comply with the order as she was their sensei, but he wasn't really liking it at all. Biting her lip to keep from saying something awful, her smile had turned to a scowl as she glared at ahead. [b]"Die.."[/b] Yukara said under her breath. She did not adknowlege him, or that he was the leader, it just frustrated her. She bit her lip again, as she continued to go north as instruction and took a deep breath to hopefully calm her down. Katsu nodded even though there was no one to see the gesture. [i]I guess he's the experienced genin in the team Aiko-Sensei was talking about,[/i] he thought to himself. A small smile curled up on his lips. To him, this was an opportunity to get to know his more introverted comrade. She had paid good attention how each on reacted. Aiko noticed that Yukara wasn't very happy with it, as she had anticipated. Katsu's reaction leaned towards being happy. Aiko wasn't sure why, but decided to not bother with questioning her genins now. For now she would go on with her plan. [b]''I will try to stay in contact with the earphone communicator. It does allow me to hear if something happens with you. Same as if any will misbehave.''[/b] The friendly expression of Aiko turned into a more stern one. [b]''Keep going north and stay focused. Over a kilometer or such, you should come across an open field in the forest. That will be our rally point.''[/b] Aiko said as she already turned half around. [b]''Good luck.''[/b] With that, she vanished into the shadows and leaves of the trees. Nodding just before Aiko left, Koike quickly thought about the situation. They had to keep moving, most likely to this rally point. [b]''Guess we should get moving then.''[/b] He told his team members through the earphone communicators. [b]''We will go with the same formation, but nobody at the back. Stick closer to each other.''[/b] He instructed them to do as he moved forward. For a few moments, he moved his right hand to the handle of his blade. It was comforting to know that the blade was still there. [b]"An Academy student could have told us that, Koike. Don't speak unless it's not stating the obvious, please,"[/b] Yukara said, it was not hard to detect the clear dislike between them, at least on her end. Glaring towards the front again, she just kept going as Aiko-Sensei had stated some time ago. Biting her lip again, before she said something worse to the supposed leader, who could not pass the Chuunin Exams. Katsu glanced at the two with a confused look. He'd sensed a little hostility from Yukara towards Koike earlier but this was quite strange as Koike didn't return the gesture openly. He wondered what could've happened to create such tension. [b]"H-Hey, guys... Maybe we should concentrate on the mission. Aiko-Sensei did say that we were looking for a missing-nin. If this person was seen nearby, there could be traps,"[/b] he said in an effort to change the subject. The remark of Yukara made Koike briefly look in her direction. Katsu reacted back before Koike was able, but he wouldn't react that openly hostile as Yukara. He did wondered why Yukara was just like that. [b]''Katsu is right. And thanks for bringing that up, Yukara. Next time I will show you the way to the Academy.''[/b] Koike said back with a polite tone. He wasn't one to sneer or talk back, but he was a bit too proud to let somebody like her walk over him. Turning around, he would pick up a pace towards the north. [b]"Thats a good suggestion, Katsu. And Koike, I would not be talking, not be able to pass the Chuunin exams, not once but twice?"[/b] Yukara shot back. Koike talking like that to her, was too much to not say something and she was not going to bring up the Chuunin exams but then the last of her self control vanished. [b]"For all we know, Koike, you could cause us to fail the mission"[/b] Yukara said, venon laced her voice as she cast a tight but cruel smile towards him. This time, Katsu was the one who snapped. [b]"Both of you, please, just shut up!"[/b] he yelled. He turned his gaze to Koike. [b]"You're supposed to be the leader who is responsible for the team. Stop retorting to her like an annoyed little kid and do your job!"[/b] He anticipated what he thought would be a small hint of satisfaction in Yukara but he didn't give her any time after that. [b]"And you! Stop antagonizing him! You're both putting this mission and our lives at risk!"[/b] When he stopped, he took a deep breath and sighed. He looked forward as if nothing had happened and continued to keep up with the other two. Koike stopped and frowned. The low blow of Yukara was something that actually pained him. But not as much as one would expect. The times he had failed the Exams, he always had a decent reason for it. One that was now gone and another being kind of dead. Before Koike could react, Katsu seemed to snap. This made the Hon frown as he wondered what was wrong with his team mates. One that seemed to try to make anger him and another that wasn't great against some stress or hostility, that wasn't even directed to him. [b]''I am not sure about you both, but I am going go ahead.''[/b] He said, raising an eyebrow as he really wondered why Aiko had left them alone. Before he would continue, he would say something else. [b]''Besides, Yukara, try to give such big talk when you have experienced a rampaging Bijuu. Katsu, stay calm. Shouting won't help us any further. Lets just move and stay silent.''[/b] With that said, Koike moved his facemask and would continue on his way. Yukara just shrugged it off, it did not bother her, much. Katsu seemed to get frustrated with what was happening between her and Koike. It was to be expected of someone who just walked into a situation like this, it was kind of ignorant actually. Katsu did not understand the mutual dislike between them, so why did he think that the reactions should have been anything less from what they were? [b]"If you were strong enough to stop the rampage then maybe it would be different, you failed. So just quit whatever fantasies you have of ever being anyone of value,"[/b] Yukara said flatly. Katsu stared at them, shocked by their reactions. They were just continuing their bickering even though there were many dangerous scenarios their spat could lead to. He huffed and muttered something under his breath. [b]"Didn't Aiko-Sensei say she was still on the same frequency as us?"[/b] he asked, hoping that at least this reminder would help them move silently. [b]''Aiko-sama is probably not wanting to waste time on bickering. Just keep moving.''[/b] Koike replied as he kept running. It became clear that Yukara was somebody that wouldn't listen and he had no trouble with that. Just meant he wouldn't have to watch over her in case something would happen. It was her own choice after all to act like this. Her last retort was still in his mind as he was kind of frustrated about it. How would a genin be able to stop a rampaging beast? Shrugging it finally off, he had a plan. Katsu had raised an interesting point and with Yukara's sneering, Koike wasn't sure how vigilant he could be. Slowly stopping, he had picked out a kunai from his holster. [b]''One second.''[/b] He told his team members as he knelt on one knee. Pricking his left hand, Koike stored the weapon away. Like he had some time, he then prepared to form handsignals at a fast speed. Finishing with placing his right hand at the ground, black lines started to spread over the ground. A small smoke cloud appeared as it seemed that the boy had summoned something. Some sounds were now produced, by apparently an animal. Rising up, Koike dusted off his pants as he would then signal that they could get moving again. [b]''Miso at the back. Lets keep going.''[/b] A small dog would take a position just behind their back as Koike would continue. With the dogs smell, hopefully they would be warned in case somebody would try to ambush them. Beginning to hum a bit, as it was taking her mind off of Koike and his arrogance along with his coldness. When she thought about it, if he would have just said hello when they first met instead of ignoring her then the situation would be different. As Koike, stopped them she shot an annoyed glance in his direction before stopping, after all, she had to make sure the conceited Hon did not get them all killed with whatever he was doing. She continued to ignore Koike, even though he was the leader at the moment. Katsu heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that the team was able to spend more than a couple of seconds without Koike and Yukara fighting. He looked over at the dog, never having seen a summoning before. He turned his attention back to the road ahead of them. [b]"Sensei said it was only about 1 kilometer. We should be getting there soon, no?"[/b] [b]''Probably.''[/b] Koike replied as he continued to lead the team. Miso would bark or make any other warning in case something would be approaching them. Koike figured that with Aiko gone, they still had little to worry about. It wasn't like Aiko was somebody that was easy to defeat. Then he started to think what their next step would be if they would reach the rally point. It was clear that Yukara wouldn't be forever silent. And every time she had opened her mouth, she had always sent a sneer or worse in his direction. Narrowing his eyes, he was pondering on what he should do as next step. Something was indeed approaching the small team. The ground started to tremble a bit as some sound was heard. From their right, a huge wave of water was approaching them. If they wouldn't be fast with reacting, it was clear that the wave would most likely sweep them away or else crush them with the heavy pressure. Yukara stopped in mid-stride, as the ground beneath her began to tremble and she frowned. [b]"Katsu, do you feel that?"[/b] Yukara asked, her frown deepening a bit. Looking around, she could hear something that resembled moving water. But why would there moving water in the area, if not a stream or waterfall of sorts? Katsu nodded quickly and squinted his eyes, now a dark crimson hue. His eyes opened wide and they turned back to their original natural black. [b]"Jump!"[/b] he said simply and leapt off the ground, gathering some of his chakra in the soles of his feet in order to jump higher. Miso barked and Koike turned his head to the right. A wave of water? Turning around, he didn't have to order them to evade it. It was quite evident that getting hit by the wave wouldn't be any good for anybody. Quickly, Koike jumped against a tree to then launch himself again in the air, pressing himself away from the tree. Pulling out a kunai, he would pay attention to the surroundings. Miso followed his masters manouvre, performing quickly the same. Who ever made the wave didn't reveal him or herself. The water would remain there, having flooded the area around the genins. After each would have landed, some kunai would come from the right and left at them. Having had chakra sent to her feet, she jumped and grabbed a low hanging branch, swinging herself over it and avoiding the wave of water that was now just sitting there. Not having time to really think about much, as kunai were starting to fly in their direction from both left and right. Quickly grabbing one of her own, she deflected at least four that would have hit her if she had not done so. Katsu landed on the water gracefully, though his feet almost sank in. He saw the projectiles being thrown at them and clasped his hands together [i](Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm)[/i]. Violent winds flew towards the kunai flying towards him, pushing two into the water and one to the side, slowing it down. The last kunai fell into the water as well and Katsu quickly drew his sabre, preparing himself for more attacks. Kunai? With his reflexes, he managed to deflect the kunai that were thrown in his direction. Miso took a position at Koike's right, while the latter was scanning the area for any hints. [b]''Everybody, move closer to each other.''[/b] Koike instructed. It would be a hassle if they would have to watch each other, while there was some distance to cover. Slowly, he and Miso would head to Katsu and Yukara's position. Having had deflected a few more, she stopped as Koike said to move closer to each other and began to gravitate towards Katsu some. Even though, she did not like Koike, he was still the leader and so she would follow directions. Being nearer to Katsu as was ordered, she waited for the next set of orders or instructions to be said aloud. Katsu nodded and back on the water, nearing Koike and Yukara. He put his sabre up and gulped. [b]"I hate to say I told you so... But I did say that there would be traps."[/b] His eyes darted left and right. [b]"While we're waiting, we should prepare. Do either of you have explosive tags?"[/b] While the genins were grouping together, the sound of rushing water was heard again. This time, something else was approaching them instead of a wave or a few kunai. This time, there were two actual sharks heading in the direction of the genin. One that was approaching them from the right, heading towards Koike and Miso. And the other to the left, heading towards Yukara and Katsu. Like he had anticipated. The huge wave of water had already given it away, but they were now in a big disadvantage. This quite reminded Koike on how Hiron usually fought his opponents. Readying his kunai, he gave another order to his team. [b]''Go into the trees.''[/b] After the order, Koike noticed the shark that was approaching him and Miso. The dog lowered himself as he barred his fangs, that would be much smaller in comparison with the bigger animal that was approaching them now. Waiting for the last moment, Koike would jump to the left as well throwing the kunai, aiming it for the nose of the shark. Miso started to head to the left, running over the water. Taking note of the shark heading in their direction, Yukara had an idea that would allow her and Katsu more time to come up with a solution. [b]"Katsu, make a clone of yourself,"[/b] Yukara said, beforing darting up into the tree that was close to her. Reaching the top, making her own clone to hopefully confuse the shark coming in her direction and adding another clone next to her. Hopefully if it worked, she and Katsu could deal with it but without feeling too rushed. Katsu opened his mouth as if to protest but knew that they didn't have the time. He skidded back and a clone was standing where he was earlier. He saw the shark approaching with speed. He stayed on the water, right up till the moment it got close enough to leap out of the water and at the clones. At that moment, he jumped up high and threw two shuriken at the back of the clone, where he had hoped the shark would have been. While in mid air, he made a couple of hand signs [i](Shadow Shuriken Technique)[/i]. The shuriken each split into two, now four hurling towards where the shark would be. The sharks that tried to attack the genins seemed to have failed. The shark that leaped up to attack Koike, landed in the water while some red liquid was coloring the water. The other shark that was rushing towards Yukara and Katsu slowed a bit down after the two made a clone. Then it started to swim faster to the clone of Katsu, about to leap up to take down the clone. Just as the shark was about to open its jaws to attack the clone, the shuriken would hit the shark, making it retreat back into the water as blood started to color the water red where it swam. [b]''Troublesome.''[/b] A man came walking over the water, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants as he looked up to where Yukara was. Then he glanced at the direction of where Koike and Katsu were. [b]''Guess you passed, hm.''[/b] The man wore a bandanna as well the usual flak jacket of Konohagakure. [b]''My part is done.''[/b] [/hider]