:sun That's most people's reaction when they first discover ED, Derp. It's a fabulous setting. Remember, though, that all three of those characters would be rather difficult to play. Revelers and Jesters have given themselves over to the Laughing Mare, and there has to be a justification for how your character was able to escape the madness (talk to Kilt about that; the best character in my ED game was his, a Jester)... A Nightmare would certainly be powerful and useful, and would even need slightly less justification, but again she would need a very good reason to not see Moon&Star as truly serving Luna. As it says, she would be a High Priestess, a leader in the Luna-aligned portions of the House... In fact, if you do happen to lean in this direction, shoot me a PM, and we can talk about the relationship between your Nightmare and Red Dawn, my Luna-worshiping Inquisitor.