Shu was pretty forgiving of Yumi’s and Choi’s antics, but of course it was Yumi and if she needed this place then they could go somewhere else and chat about things like their mother and what they might do after. It would be so weird, having them and even Vegeta get their mothers back even if one was lucky enough to get a loving father too. He wondered whether his own father felt anything for him, but then again the guy was not the kind who wouldn’t care for himself like a lot of Saiyans at the top of their game. Giving Takeshi a smile, he bounced on out of the room and looked up at Takeshi, giving him a smile, “Food! I’m in the mood for food!” he giggled, giving him a grin when he was told off for fruit, “But, but, but okay! Heeeee…I waaaaaant…meat! Much meat! Please? I pounced on you like pouncing on prey so I deserve food like prey now. Choi was a mixed sort of happy right now, mainly because he was a bit guilty that he had chased the brothers out of a little moment but he was getting to train with Yumi. She might find this technique he wanted to teach possibly boring, but it was something he and Kai used all the time and to master it the whole isolation this room brought was just perfect for mastering it. Giving Takeshi and Shu a little wave as they left, looking back to Yumi and giving a nod, “Yeah! Well, it’s kind of a secret Saiyan technique…as in nobody knows you’re doing it”, he spoke, slowly sneaking towards her as if it really was a top secret technique, “Nobody EVER knows”. He was hoping he could teach her some more techniques that would be handy for her, but this one was probably going to be the most useful. Looking to her finger, he smiled a little and shook his head, “Do you want to learn maybe…how to send messages to others in secret? With your mind! No need to speak out loud ever again”. T’charrl didn’t think the kid would want to stick around in a million years after seeing him mutate before, but maybe after seeing it this one wouldn’t had been any different. He really needed some help now, he was very vulnerable even if he took on a form that looked more suited to demonstrate strength. He wanted to get up to have a proper look at himself, he needed to see what he was by default for now before deciding whether he wanted to be seen by people. Staring at him, he frowned slightly at his answer, finding it to be so vague and not giving him much of a clue, “Just…didn’t? Just didn’t…” he sighed, his body shaking for a moment as it audibly rumbled, “Ackshhh…ffffood…I need food. Sssweet food, I need sweet…” He definitely needed energy, just like he needed it after the battle with the General but didn’t get it properly until he mutated again ending with his mother finding him. It was ending up being the exact same scenario and he should had learned his lesson from it. If he had to look on the bright side of it, at least he won’t mutate into a huge beast and would be a sort of ‘medium’ sized one. Trying to keep it under control, his large arm moved to cover his face, trying not to scare the kid as he unwillingly began to snarl and show his teeth, “S-sorry…but pleassse get…” Viral felt pretty out of it just over what was happening to him, finding it hard to concentrate on his own thoughts and concerns. This transformation didn’t hurt him, but it caused his nerves to seize as the change happened against his will; it was his ultimate form that hurt like hell when it came out unwelcomed, but that was probably expected considering how violent it was. He couldn’t believe he was actually having to try hard not to make cat sounds, his embarrassment levels pretty high in front of Vegeta. He couldn’t imagine what he was like before when he couldn’t remember what happened, but he just wanted to forget that happened. The size his now cat-paw was getting made him feel pretty uneasy, actually making his large forearm look like a normal arm in comparison. Such an embarrassment he was, but Vegeta seemed absolutely thrilled to catch him in mid-tranformation. Being pulled along he was growing fur in places he didn’t want to exist, his spine starting to become pretty itchy, “Damnit…you know if I was an animal I would let you drag me…” Finally arriving at the medical ward and his shoes were feeling pretty tight, but hoping he could last to somewhere where he might not fall he took large strides before almost falling onto the chair. His face had fur growing close to his eyes at this point and his eyes were indicating some sort of struggle to keep his attention on Vegeta. Taking hold of the chair as Vegeta hooked up his head without permission, his shoes split open as large cat feet with giant claws protruding from them. Viral was looking pretty dazed at this point, his mind going inbetween feral and normal as he tried to keep focused on Vegeta, “God…describe it? I’m…finding it hard to focus, my head is…swimming, my ears are ringing…I don’t want this to happen but I can’t stop it!” he spoke, trying to keep up the focus as he soon lost grip of the chair as his other hand changed too, his eyes going to it as it formed into a huge paw, “I-It tingles, it jolts, it-…murrrr-becoming hard to keep me from-“ His paws moved to try and grip onto the chair as if trying to stop himself from moving, his eyes desperate to keep focused on Vegeta so that he might keep his current mindset, “Arrghhh-to keep me from pouncing you and trying to eat you! I’m so hungry…so hungry…no! No I’m not! I just think I am! You kicking my gut didn’t help! Does that help you, Vegeta??”