[b] " Fa-jing!" [/b] yelled Anderus with concentration in order to fortify his blow, the last of the bandits that were attacking Tessa fell to the ground as Anderus's scimitar cut his head off. Anderus saw the flame attack on Durus but couldn't do anything before he neutralized all the bandits that were attacking Tessa, for his relief Durus handled the situation successfully by himself. Anderus helped Tessa to stand up and asked if she was alright. After receiving a positive answer, he said to his companions: [b] "We should leave quickly, I can hear the sounds of armored man closing on our location from the adjacent streets, judging by the sound of chain mails and the voice commands of their leaders, those are the city guards! Tessa, if you know any camouflage spells that will by us time, this will be a good time to use them!" [/b] When Anderus turned his front to his friends, it became obvious that he got seriously burned from the flame attack that partially ricocheted from Durus, but there was no time for this, so he just ignored it.