[b]Konoha Team 7 Kensuke Nimatsu[/b] Arriving at Trainingfield 2 where Kiyomi had decided to gather Team 2 and Team 7, he noticed Hayate Hyuzu sitting on the ground, probably meditating. Dragging himself towards the boy he couldn't help thinking of the countless times he had arrived first at a trainingfield like this, waiting for his squad, team 4, to arrive. Sadly, those days were over. It was an unlucky coincidence that this new mission followed immediately after the previous one, but more importantly, the news of his team's death. The 3 other shinobi that had been his best and only real friends for his entire life inside Konoha. It was a bit of an ironic coincidence. While he was doing his first mission of teaching youngsters of the importance of working together, fighting in such a way that your teammates and friends would not get harmed, his old team was wiped from existance, despite their nigh flawless teamwork. [b]"Good morning Hayate-san."[/b] Kensuke greeted the boy before leaning against a tree. Only visible to the rare few people still alive that knew him very well his eyes had gotten a weary and tired look. It was a minor detail, and hidden very well in a steel facade of calmness, but it was there nonetheless. He had refused to fall into the depression again he had fought, his friends had fought so hard to get him out, to continue living as his friends would have wanted him to, but he still felt as if a part had been ripped out of him. Looking at the arena of nature surrounding them, he kept trying to keep his thoughts from wandering on the painful subject of his friends, an impossible task.