[center][b] Team 7, Shisen Inuzuka [/b][/center] Shisen and Arashi arrived at the training field, seeing Kiyomi and Hayate there along with another person she did not recognize. A second later, she also noticed her sensei, Kensuke and raised an eye brow slightly. Arashi who was not so comfortable with this many people that she barely knew and one that she did not even know, began to growl. Pacing back and forth as Shisen neared Kiyomi, trotting up to her and whining at the proximity between everyone. Dropping her hand, Shisen ran down the length of Arashi's back to calm the ninkens nerves and hopefully avoid anyone trying to agitate her. [b]"Morning Kensuke-Sensei, Kiyomi, Hayate, [/b] Shisen greeted calmly. Going to stand a bit further from there for Arashi's sake and their sake, she sighed and waited for the reason they were meeting up to be announced to them. She still looked tired, a bit unsettled and restless as she waited for the next thing. Arashi was quite restless as well, growling every now and then, her eyes narrowed at everyone but Shisen.