[quote=ReaptheMusic] Such a gentleman Aeon ^^ I bet you got quite the trail of broken hearts standing in line for you *tease tease poke poke* You remind me a bit of my own man with the chivalry and I must say it's vastly underrated. [/quote] Thankyou Reap, chivalry is not dead and I actually have a beautiful lady to fight off all those other women trying to get at me lol. [quote=Leviathan] don't let that valiant demeanor fool you. ^^lol i am kidding! [/quote] She's not. I'm quite the fiend. Bwahaha! Third post updated with SRF , S'torei , and Khu'lu per request. In process of making my main character, he will be a Survivalist. It would make him an alright advisor to whomever the group leader is.