[center][b]BATTLE IN NORTON CITY[/b][/center] [center][b]PART 1: THE BEACH[/b][/center] From a considerable distance out from the beach Aaron could hear the sounds of war pervating the air with a multitude of screams and explosions. With cold and almost souless eyes Aaron stared unblinking at the ruins of what used to be a great city was on the verge of becoming nothing more than a smoldering ruin. This wasn't a war, this was a group of bullies that decided to pick a fight with someone weaker than them. Aaron took a moment to look at his friends gatherd at the front of the boat and watched their faces change as the devastation unfolded in front of them as well and wondered if any of them were ready to face the true horrors of war. Kami knows he wasn't. Taking a moment to prepare himself, Aaron stepped away from the group and found a quick hiding place and pulled out his pack and pulled the last cigarette from the pack and lit it taking a long drag, he didn't know if he was going to get a chance to do this again. A sudden violent force shook the already shoddy ship so hard that Aaron slammed up against the railing causing him to drop the freshly lit cigarette into the churning inky depths, [i]'Damn...that was my last one to!'[/i] Turning back to the group he looked to the side of the railing and physically felt his jaw drop as he gazed upon the squelching wriggling mass of tentacles attempting to strike the ship. As he just got over the sight over the railing Aaron turned back to see the shoreline of the Norton City Docks rapidly approaching, making a split second decision Aaron ran and stood on the railing and waited. As the ship made contact with the dock he felt ships force carry the groups bodies onward onto the beach, this was the time to react. At the first sign of the traumatic stop, Aaron gathered the wind under his feet and used that force jump from the ship and land safely onto the beach. As he straightened his belongings out he stood up and watched as the other made their way onto the beach, some with a bit less finesse that Aaron had demonstrated, one such friend was Olivia. Before Aaron could make his over to help her out a rain of automatic fire began assaulting the group with deadly intent. Quickly leaving Olivia Aaron ducked behind a concrete block to discover that Freddy was already using it as cover for himself. As Olivia attempted to shout commands the rain of gunfire drowned most of it out as Liv made a universal gesture for 'creative interpretation' of her commands. Aaron peaked out from around the corner to see how many assailants needed immediate attention and the first thing that came to mind was the foot soldiers with the rifles, as soon as they were dealt with the group could safely leave their makeshift havens and deal with them directly. As Emily dispatched one of the assailants (Alpha) and Roy rushed in to cover her, Aaron took a moment which was free of deadly bullets and charged into the fray himself. His first target (Beta) had just finished reloading his rifle when Aaron charged and appeared directly in his face, to which he responded by aiming and firing in the direction of where Aaron had appeared. A mistake which proved fatal. Aaron had already moved around him and ran one of his blades into the mans neck. Aaron quickly turned around to see two more soldiers (Gamma, Delta) aimed and ready to fire at the same moment that Aaron saw another (Omega) coming up behind Fuzzy. Aaron charged Gamma and sliced through his rifle while turning and disarming Delta and kicking him into the sea, turning just in time to wound Omega with a poorly aimed thrust around Fuzzy. [b]"Heads up Fuzzy!"[/b] Leaving Kim to his own devices Aaron turned back to the two that he had disarmed (Gamma,Delta) and began engaging them in armed combat.