The raft with its few passengers eventually landed upon the sand. Of course there was no doctor, why would there be? Now with a horrendous headache, no ability to look more than 10 feet in front of him, and ruined shoes, Billy exited the raft when the island became clear and helped pull it with the other nameless guests. It was best to have as many supplies as possible. As he leaned down to recollect his briefcase, he overheard that one of the other castaways was going to school to become a doctor. He collected himself and walked toward where we believed was the source of the sound. Thankfully he had near perfect hearing and was able to discover him, even if in his poor state. Billy took a breath and tapped the man who said his name was "Marik" or something along the lines of that. Billy didn't say the name since he needed to make a fine enough reason to be treated. "Pardon me" Billy began. "But I overheard that you were in training to become a doctor? Perhaps you can help my situation, my name's Billy Belling and I require medical attention for a cut and possible head trauma."