[hider=CS] [center] Name: Jonithra "Jonnie" Rastran Concept: The Rebel [b]"I'm not completely convinced that I should even be a villain. I don't think my parents have anything to do with who I am."[/b] Role: Villain/Dungeon Keeper Age: 15 Sex and Orientation: Bisexual Female Appearance: [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/5a/ea/c45aea299b54025dd1bac857ef0dd722.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8d/c8/de/8dc8dea8e80510b2a4e230c57d08beb4.jpg] --- [i]"One could almost say the young firestarter's hair is infinitely ablaze."[/i] --- Personality: [b]Fire Starter[/b] - Jonnie doesn't take things sitting down. She's pretty hot tempered although kind. She doesn't like tradition and she craves to be her own person. She's just not sure who that is yet. She can be a bit sarcastic but once someone gets to know her, she can be a very loyal and caring friend. She defends the people she loves to the end of the earth, even if it meant having a fist fight with the devil himself. She is very stubborn, however, and will continue to do the wrong thing several times before she realizes she can do it a different way. She doesn't take advice well, thinking that she, herself, is always right. She doesn't like being proven wrong and she has a bit of an authority problem. Background: Jonnie's life hasn't exactly been easy. Her father always pushed for her to get more and more powerful. She just assumed it was because the poor b-stard wanted a son but got stuck with a hot headed daughter instead. Still, she dealt with it well enough. Though, it didn't much help that her mother wasn't always there to have her back. When she was, her mother was able to keep her father at bay but when Mommy wasn't home, Daddy took every opportunity to training the living daylights out of poor little Jonithra. He even went so far as to send her out into the tundra for an entire week to survive on her own. He told her it was to test the strength of her 'Life's Flame' whatever the hell that meant. Still, she survived although with a severe fear of the cold and most wet things. Water is generally a downer for her since she can't swim and it kind of leaves her at a disadvantage. The cold just brings back terrible memories of that time Daddy almost killed her. Not exactly fond childhood memories. Still, she kept her own and now she's free to do whatever the hell she pleases. Right? Skills: [b]Fire Starter[/b] - Jonnie is rather adept at casting fire magics. Pyromancy is her thing. She's hot headed and her skills match that. She knows how to use a sword but she also prefers to go in, fists blazing[literally]. She's not one for sitting things out but she has an intense fear of water and will not go near the stuff. It's hard enough drinking it! Equipment: [*]Sword and Shield[/*] [*]Spell book[/*] [*]Red Armor[/*] -Will be explained further in Inheritance Section Parent: [*] Father - [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3120000/3120829_1357322094313.18res_400_300.jpg]Nicholas Rastran[/url] -Villain - Demon Mercenary - Relationship: Strained [/*] [*] Mother - [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/a0/40/e3a040f5f0f569d8e9be2aedb52dccb6.jpg]Sera Tyler Rastran[/url] - Heroine - Bounty Hunter - Relationship: Fire vs Water [/*] Inheritance: [*][url=http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/736x/47/85/11/478511cc713478c07a2d0b91e1d19176.jpg]Enchanted Armor; Enich[/url][/*] -This is a set of red armor given to her by her father. Well, her uncle gave it to her after her father's death but it was from him. What she didn't know was that when she put it on, it came to life. Well, sort of. It held a soul in it. [url=http://static.tumblr.com/rheczav/m5Gmeqt2r/closeup_original_lips_red_eyes_short_hair_anime_boys_white_hair_faces_hair_in_face_1600x1200_wal_www.wallpaperfo.com_41.jpg]Enich[/url]. He was once a demon that her father trapped into the family armor. Apparently, just before he died, he had the armor enchanted so that it would grow with her. Enich is an old spirit but likes to keep the form of a small boy. Jonnie often calls him a Loli because he enjoys his small child form more than what [url=http://s2.goodfon.su/wallpaper/previews-middle/637512.jpg]he[/url] should really look like. Enich has the ability to form outside of the armor but he is in spirit form and therefore intangible. He can't do a whole lot considering how weak he is currently. But he's growing stronger so Jonnie needs to find a way to get stronger so that she can keep control over the armor because if he gets stronger than her, he can take control of her when she has the armor on and even when it's just laying dormant. Notes: [*]Only Child[/*] [*]Ignorant of Love[/*] [/center] I'll add more later. :P [/hider]